[Pacemaker] [ha-wg] [Planning] Organizing HA Summit 2015

Fabio M. Di Nitto fabbione at fabbione.net
Sun Jan 25 06:20:22 UTC 2015


On 1/13/2015 6:31 AM, Digimer wrote:
> Hi all,
>   With Fabio away for now, I (and others) are working on the final
> preparations for the summit. This is your chance to speak up and
> influence the planning! Objections/suggestions? Speak now please. :)

Digimer, I would like to thank you very much for helping in the
organization of the summit.

I unfortunately have to cancel my travel and won´t be able to attend
myself. Maybe I´ll join some sessions remotely if time allows.

I wish everybody to have a great time in Brno and make the best out of
it! I am really looking forward to see the outcome when so many
brilliant people will sit in the same room.


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