[Pacemaker] Unique clone instance is stopped too early on move

Vladislav Bogdanov bubble at hoster-ok.com
Thu Jan 15 04:11:04 UTC 2015

13.01.2015 11:32, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 10:20 AM, Vladislav Bogdanov
> <bubble at hoster-ok.com> wrote:
>> Hi Andrew, David, all.
>> I found a little bit strange operation ordering during transition execution.
>> Could you please look at the following partial configuration (crmsh syntax)?
>> ===
>> ...
>> clone cl-broker broker \
>>          meta interleave=true target-role=Started
>> clone cl-broker-vips broker-vips \
>>          meta clone-node-max=2 globally-unique=true interleave=true resource-stickiness=0 target-role=Started
>> clone cl-ctdb ctdb \
>>          meta interleave=true target-role=Started
>> colocation broker-vips-with-broker inf: cl-broker-vips cl-broker
>> colocation broker-with-ctdb inf: cl-broker cl-ctdb
>> order broker-after-ctdb inf: cl-ctdb cl-broker
>> order broker-vips-after-broker 0: cl-broker cl-broker-vips
>> ...
>> ===
>> After I put one node to standby and then back to online, I see the following transition (relevant excerpt):
>> ===
>>   * Pseudo action:   cl-broker-vips_stop_0
>>   * Resource action: broker-vips:1   stop on c-pa-0
>>   * Pseudo action:   cl-broker-vips_stopped_0
>>   * Pseudo action:   cl-ctdb_start_0
>>   * Resource action: ctdb            start on c-pa-1
>>   * Pseudo action:   cl-ctdb_running_0
>>   * Pseudo action:   cl-broker_start_0
>>   * Resource action: ctdb            monitor=10000 on c-pa-1
>>   * Resource action: broker          start on c-pa-1
>>   * Pseudo action:   cl-broker_running_0
>>   * Pseudo action:   cl-broker-vips_start_0
>>   * Resource action: broker          monitor=10000 on c-pa-1
>>   * Resource action: broker-vips:1   start on c-pa-1
>>   * Pseudo action:   cl-broker-vips_running_0
>>   * Resource action: broker-vips:1   monitor=30000 on c-pa-1
>> ===
>> What could be a reason to stop unique clone instance so early for move?
> Do not take it as definitive answer, but cl-broker-vips cannot run
> unless both other resources are started. So if you compute closure of
> all required transitions it looks rather logical. Having
> cl-broker-vips started while broker is still stopped would violate
> constraint.

Problem is that broker-vips:1 is stopped on one (source) node 
unnecessarily early. ctdb resource takes very long time to start (almost 
minute?), so broker-vips:1 is unavailable during all that time.

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