[Pacemaker] Version of libqb is too old: v0.13 or greater requried

Alexis de BRUYN alexis.mailinglist at de-bruyn.fr
Wed Jan 28 18:18:38 UTC 2015

Hi Everybody,

I have compiled libqb 0.17.1 under Debian Jessie/testing amd64 as:

tar zxvf libqb-v0.17.1.tar.gz
cd libqb-0.17.1/
make -j8
make -j8 install

Then after succesful builds of COROSYNC 2.3.4, CLUSTER-GLUE 1.0.12 and RESOURCE-AGENTS 3.9.5, compiling PACEMAKER 1.1.12 fails with:

unzip Pacemaker-1.1.12.zip
cd pacemaker-Pacemaker-1.1.12/
addgroup --system haclient
configure: error: in `/home/alexis/pacemaker-Pacemaker-1.1.12':
configure: error: Version of libqb is too old: v0.13 or greater requried

I have tried to pass some flags to ./configure, but I still get this error.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your help,

Alexis de BRUYN <alexis.mailinglist at de-bruyn.fr>

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