[Pacemaker] Announcing crmsh release 2.1.2

Kristoffer Grönlund kgronlund at suse.com
Mon Jan 26 10:16:16 UTC 2015

Today we are proud to announce the release of `crmsh` version 2.1.2!
This version primarily fixes all known issues found since the release
of `crmsh` 2.1.1 in October. We recommend that all users of crmsh upgrade
to this version, especially if using Pacemaker 1.1.12 or newer.

A massive thank you to everyone who has helped out with bug fixes,
comments and contributions for this release!

For a complete list of changes since the previous version, please
refer to the changelog:

* https://github.com/crmsh/crmsh/blob/2.1.2/ChangeLog

Packages for several popular Linux distributions can be downloaded
from the Stable repository at the OBS:

* http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/network:/ha-clustering:/Stable/

Archives of the tagged release:

* https://github.com/crmsh/crmsh/archive/2.1.2.tar.gz
* https://github.com/crmsh/crmsh/archive/2.1.2.zip

Changes since the previous release:

 - medium: ui_resource: Set probe interval 0 if not set (bnc#905050)
 - doc: Document probe op in resource trace (bnc#905050)
 - high: config: Fix path to system-wide crm.conf (#67)
 - medium: config: Fall back to /etc/crm/crmsh.conf (#67)
 - low: cliformat: Colorize id: as identifier (boo#905338)
 - medium: cibconfig: Don't bump epoch if stripping version
 - medium: ui_context: Lazily import readline
 - medium: config: Add core.ignore_missing_metadata (#68) (boo#905910)
 - medium: cibconfig: Strip digest from v1 diffs (bnc#914098)
 - medium: cibconfig: Detect v1 format and don't patch container changes (bnc#914098)
 - high: xmlutil: Treat node type=member as normal (boo#904698)
 - medium: xmlutil: Use idmgmt when creating new elements (bnc#901543)
 - low: ui_resource: --reprobe and --refresh are deprecated (bnc#905092)
 - doc: Document deprecation of refresh and reprobe (bnc#905092)
 - medium: parse: Support resource-discovery in location constraints
 - medium: Allow removing groups even if is_running (boo#905271)
 - medium: cibconfig: Delete containers first in edits (boo#905268)
 - medium: ui_history: Fix crash using empty object set
 - Low: term: get rid of annying ^O in piped-to-less-R output
 - medium: parse: Allow nvpair with no value using name= syntax (#71)
 - medium: parse: Enable name[=value] for nvpair (#71)
 - medium: utils: Check if path basename is less (#74)
 - medium: utils: crm_daemon_dir is added to PATH in envsetup (#67)
 - medium: cmd_status: Show pending if available, enable extra options
 - high: utils: Locate binaries across sudo boundary (bnc#912483)
 - Medium: history: match error/crit messages of pcmk 1.1.12
 - low: ui_options: Add underscore aliases for legacy options
 - medium: constants: Fix transition start detection
 - medium: constants: Update transition regex (#77)
 - medium: orderedset: Add OrderedSet type
 - medium: cibconfig: Use orderedset to avoid reordering bugs (#79)
 - low: xmlutil: logic bug in sanity_check_nvpairs
 - medium: util: Don't fall back to current time
 - medium: report: Fall back to end_ts = start_ts

Thank you,

// Kristoffer Grönlund
// kgronlund at suse.com

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