[Pacemaker] Call cib_apply_diff failed (-205): Update was older than existing configuration

Kostiantyn Ponomarenko konstantin.ponomarenko at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 16:15:48 UTC 2015

Hi guys,

I saw this during applying the configuration using a script with crmsh

+ crm configure primitive STONITH_node-1 stonith:fence_avid_sbb_hw
+ crm configure primitive STONITH_node-0 stonith:fence_avid_sbb_hw params
+ crm configure location dont_run_STONITH_node-1_on_node-1 STONITH_node-1
-inf: node-1
+ crm configure location dont_run_STONITH_node-0_on_node-0 STONITH_node-0
-inf: node-0
Call cib_apply_diff failed (-205): Update was older than existing
ERROR: could not patch cib (rc=205)
INFO: offending xml diff: <diff format="2">
    <source admin_epoch="0" epoch="26" num_updates="3"/>
    <target admin_epoch="0" epoch="27" num_updates="3"/>
  <change operation="modify" path="/cib">
      <change-attr name="epoch" operation="set" value="27"/>
      <cib crm_feature_set="3.0.9" validate-with="pacemaker-2.0" epoch="27"
num_updates="3" admin_epoch="0" cib-last-written="Thu Feb  5 14:56:09 2015"
have-quorum="1" dc-uuid="1"/>
  <change operation="create" path="/cib/configuration/constraints"
    <rsc_location id="dont_run_STONITH_node-0_on_node-0"
rsc="STONITH_node-0" score="-INFINITY" node="node-0"/>

After that pacemaker stopped on the node on which the script was run.

Thank you,
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