[Pacemaker] two active-active service processes, but only one vIP

David Magda dmagda at ee.ryerson.ca
Sat Sep 6 15:22:21 UTC 2014

On Sep 6, 2014, at 01:24, Alex Samad - Yieldbroker <Alex.Samad at yieldbroker.com> wrote:

> I have re written ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2 for each service and as part of the monitor and start procedures I also check the application.
> Reason I don't use the service as resources is I don't need to squids running on the same box or http or bind's.

By "to squids" I will assume you meant "two squids".

I also don't need two daemons on the same node. But I would like to have one daemon running on each box. There are instructions on how to have Pacemaker check the application, so I don't see why I need to re-invent the wheel by re-writing scripts.

I think cloning is part of the solution (with the "clone-node-max" setting). Will probably have to fiddle with it when I'm back in the office on Monday.

Thanks for the input though.

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