[Pacemaker] two active-active service processes, but only one vIP

David Magda dmagda at ee.ryerson.ca
Sat Sep 6 03:23:59 UTC 2014


I'm new to Pacemaker, and so not completely knowledgeable about settings things up, and my search-fu is not finding an answer to what I want to do AFAICT:

I have two nodes that I wish to run OpenLDAP slapd on. I want Pacemaker / CRM to check the health of the OpenLDAP daemon, and if it's healthy, I want that node to be a candidate for having a vIP live on it. If OpenLDAP's slapd is not healthy (process is down, incorrect query results, etc.) then I want the vIP to fail over to the other (presumably healthy) node.

(I also want to do something similar with BIND named, but we'll use OpenLDAP as the working case for now.)

The main thing is that I want the daemon to run on each node in active-active configuration (so Nagios can keep tabs on things), and only have the vIP for the LDAP service fail-over.

The vIP is straight forward enough:

	sudo crm configure primitive vip_ldap2 \
		 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip="" cidr_netmask="32"

The following line creates a resource where slapd only runs on one of the nodes at a time, but I want it running on both:

	sudo crm configure primitive srv_slapd \
		ocf:heartbeat:slapd op monitor interval="30s"

I'm using Debian 7 with default pacemaker 1.1.7-1 package, with the following resource agent:


The slapd process can be either managed or unmanaged, but I think I would prefer unmanaged so that we can fiddle with it using the regular OS-level service commands. We don't use HA / clustering in a lot of places, and so it will probably be easy to forget that CRM is there, and so could lead to frustration if it's doing behind our backs.

From what I could tell, I want to create a primitive (is-managed=false) and make an anonymous clone, which can then be run on multiple nodes. Somehow? Maybe?

Thanks for any info.


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