[Pacemaker] Pacemaker remote and persistent remote node attributes

Покотиленко Костик casper at meteor.dp.ua
Thu Mar 6 19:42:25 UTC 2014

Hi, I'm new here.

I'm looking for ways of migrating to pacemaker of the current setup
which is ~10 KVM hypervisors with ~20 VMs each. There are few VM classes
each running it's set of services. Each service is run on >=2 VMs on
different HV for balancing. Failover and management is to be added.

As far as I know there are 3 ways to manage this setup in pacemaker:
1. make cluster of VMs, use libvirt fencing, have problems
2. make cluster of VMs, make different cluster of HVs, propagate fencing
from VM cluster to HV cluster to do real fencing of VMs and HVs. Not
sure how to do this. I've found a solution for XEN from RedHat, but not
for KVM
3. use pacemaker with pacemaker-remote to manage VMs and services on
both HVs and VMs, have fun

Tell me what I missed.

I research pacemaker-remote option now. It seems to be best, but it
doesn't support remote node persistent attributes for now (1.1.11).

With node attributes I can place services by node class and location
rules in this case are very simple.

So the question is: are the remote node persistent attributes going to
be implemented or what are the workarounds?

P.S. Some other questions:
- what are the reliable versions of pacemaker and corosync? Now I use
pacemaker 1.1.11 and corosync 2.3.0 backported for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
- what is the preferred cli now? crmsh, pcs or what?
- is pacemaker-mgmt  (pygui) 2.1.2 supposed to work with pacemaker
1.1.11 and corosync 2.3.0? I have it installed and enabled (use_mgmtd:
yes), but it isn't loading with no errors. I had it working with stock
Ubuntu pacemaker/corosync.
- is cman a requirement for DRBD+OCFS2 or it can be safely run with
corosync on Ubuntu/Debian?

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