[Pacemaker] crm commands are blocked by starting services

Johan Huysmans johan.huysmans at inuits.be
Mon Jul 14 09:01:29 UTC 2014

Hi All,

I noticed that any changes made with crm are not applied to the cluster 
configuration when a resource is being started.

I have a resource which can take some time to be started (2minutes). 
Whenever such resource is started any change made by executing the crm 
command is hold until the start is finished.

I changed my start function from my OCF so it will start fast and added 
the startup-delay for my monitoring. However this gave the same result. 
Between the start and the 1st monitor my changed made by crm are not 

Is this expected behaviour, can this be tweaked by some configuration or 
is this a bug ?

I'm using version: 1.1.11-2bc1061

Thanks for any insight in this problem.


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