[Pacemaker] "stonith_admin -F node" results in a pair of reboots

Bob Haxo bhaxo at sgi.com
Sat Jan 4 02:15:23 UTC 2014


Yes, for the configuration that includes drbd, 'crm-fence-peer.sh' and
'resource-and-stonith' are included in the configuration.

Bob Haxo

On Wed, 2014-01-01 at 01:04 -0500, Digimer wrote:

> Did you hook DRBD into pacemaker's fencing using 'crm-fence-peer.sh' and 
> set the fencing policy to 'resource-and-stonith;'? If not, do so! It 
> will protect against split-brains.
> digimer
> On 01/01/14 01:03 AM, Bob Haxo wrote:
> > Digimer,
> >
> > Ok, sounds reasonable and I will investigate this further on Jan 2.  WRT
> > DRBD ... geeee, I don't recall multiple fencings.  I'll check that also
> > on Jan 2.
> >
> > Emmanuel,
> >
> > I have not seen pending fencing operations with "dlm_tool ls" ... but I
> > have seen the word "pending" elsewhere (crm_mon?) without considering
> > that it might be fencing that is pending. Interesting.
> >
> > Thanks & my best wishes for a healthy new year.
> > Bob Haxo
> >
> >
> > On Wed, 2014-01-01 at 00:19 -0500, Digimer wrote:
> >> This is probably because cman (which is it's own cluster stack and used
> >> to provide DLM and quorum to pacemaker on EL6) detected the node failed
> >> after the initial fence and called it's own fence. You see a similar
> >> behaviour when using DRBD. It will also call a fence when the peer dies
> >> (even when it died because of a controlled fence call). In theory,
> >> pacemaker using cman's dlm with DRBD would trigger three fences per
> >> failure. :)
> >>
> >> digimer
> >>
> >> On 01/01/14 12:04 AM, emmanuel segura wrote:
> >> > maybe you missing log when you had fenced the node? because i think the
> >> > clvmd hungup because your node are in unclean state, use dlm_tool ls to
> >> > see if you any pending fencing operation.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > 2014/1/1 Bob Haxo <bhaxo at sgi.com  <mailto:bhaxo at sgi.com>  <mailto:bhaxo at sgi.com>>
> >> >
> >> >     __
> >> >     Greetings ... Happy New Year!
> >> >
> >> >     I am testing a configuration that is created from example in
> >> >     "Chapter 6. Configuring a GFS2 File System in a Cluster" of the "Red
> >> >     Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 Beta Global File System 2" document.  Only
> >> >     addition is stonith:fence_ipmilan.  After encountering this issue
> >> >     when I configured with "crm", I re-configured using "pcs". I've
> >> >     included the configuration below.
> >> >
> >> >     I'm thinking that, in a 2-node cluster, if I run "stonith_admin -F
> >> >     <peer-node>", then <peer-node> should reboot and cleanly rejoin the
> >> >     cluster.  This is not happening.
> >> >
> >> >     What ultimately happens is that after the initially fenced node
> >> >     reboots, the system from which the stonith_admin -F command was run
> >> >     is fenced and reboots. The fencing stops there, leaving the cluster
> >> >     in an appropriate state.
> >> >
> >> >     The issue seems to reside with clvmd/lvm.  With the reboot of the
> >> >     initially fenced node, the clvmd resource fails on the surviving
> >> >     node, with a maximum of errors.  I hypothesize there is an issue
> >> >     with locks, but have insufficient knowledge of clvmd/lvm locks to
> >> >     prove or disprove this hypothesis.
> >> >
> >> >     Have I missed something ...
> >> >
> >> >     1) Is this expected behavior, and always the reboot of the fencing
> >> >     node happens?
> >> >
> >> >     2) Or, maybe I didn't correctly duplicate the Chapter 6 example?
> >> >
> >> >     3) Or, perhaps something is wrong or omitted from the Chapter 6 example?
> >> >
> >> >     Suggestions will be much appreciated.
> >> >
> >> >     Thanks,
> >> >     Bob Haxo
> >> >
> >> >     RHEL6.5
> >> >     pacemaker-cli-1.1.10-14.el6_5.1.x86_64
> >> >     crmsh-1.2.5-55.1sgi709r3.rhel6.x86_64
> >> >     pacemaker-libs-1.1.10-14.el6_5.1.x86_64
> >> >     cman-
> >> >     pacemaker-1.1.10-14.el6_5.1.x86_64
> >> >     corosynclib-1.4.1-17.el6.x86_64
> >> >     corosync-1.4.1-17.el6.x86_64
> >> >     pacemaker-cluster-libs-1.1.10-14.el6_5.1.x86_64
> >> >
> >> >     Cluster Name: mici
> >> >     Corosync Nodes:
> >> >
> >> >     Pacemaker Nodes:
> >> >     mici-admin mici-admin2
> >> >
> >> >     Resources:
> >> >     Clone: clusterfs-clone
> >> >        Meta Attrs: interleave=true target-role=Started
> >> >        Resource: clusterfs (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem)
> >> >         Attributes: device=/dev/vgha2/lv_clust2 directory=/images
> >> >     fstype=gfs2 options=defaults,noatime,nodiratime
> >> >         Operations: monitor on-fail=fence interval=30s
> >> >     (clusterfs-monitor-interval-30s)
> >> >     Clone: clvmd-clone
> >> >        Meta Attrs: interleave=true ordered=true target-role=Started
> >> >        Resource: clvmd (class=lsb type=clvmd)
> >> >         Operations: monitor on-fail=fence interval=30s
> >> >     (clvmd-monitor-interval-30s)
> >> >     Clone: dlm-clone
> >> >        Meta Attrs: interleave=true ordered=true
> >> >        Resource: dlm (class=ocf provider=pacemaker type=controld)
> >> >         Operations: monitor on-fail=fence interval=30s
> >> >     (dlm-monitor-interval-30s)
> >> >
> >> >     Stonith Devices:
> >> >     Resource: p_ipmi_fencing_1 (class=stonith type=fence_ipmilan)
> >> >        Attributes: ipaddr=128.##.##.78 login=XXXXX passwd=XXXXX
> >> >     lanplus=1 action=reboot pcmk_host_check=static-list
> >> >     pcmk_host_list=mici-admin
> >> >        Meta Attrs: target-role=Started
> >> >        Operations: monitor start-delay=30 interval=60s timeout=30
> >> >     (p_ipmi_fencing_1-monitor-60s)
> >> >     Resource: p_ipmi_fencing_2 (class=stonith type=fence_ipmilan)
> >> >        Attributes: ipaddr=128.##.##.220 login=XXXXX passwd=XXXXX
> >> >     lanplus=1 action=reboot pcmk_host_check=static-list
> >> >     pcmk_host_list=mici-admin2
> >> >        Meta Attrs: target-role=Started
> >> >        Operations: monitor start-delay=30 interval=60s timeout=30
> >> >     (p_ipmi_fencing_2-monitor-60s)
> >> >     Fencing Levels:
> >> >
> >> >     Location Constraints:
> >> >        Resource: p_ipmi_fencing_1
> >> >          Disabled on: mici-admin (score:-INFINITY)
> >> >     (id:location-p_ipmi_fencing_1-mici-admin--INFINITY)
> >> >        Resource: p_ipmi_fencing_2
> >> >          Disabled on: mici-admin2 (score:-INFINITY)
> >> >     (id:location-p_ipmi_fencing_2-mici-admin2--INFINITY)
> >> >     Ordering Constraints:
> >> >        start dlm-clone then start clvmd-clone (Mandatory)
> >> >     (id:order-dlm-clone-clvmd-clone-mandatory)
> >> >        start clvmd-clone then start clusterfs-clone (Mandatory)
> >> >     (id:order-clvmd-clone-clusterfs-clone-mandatory)
> >> >     Colocation Constraints:
> >> >        clusterfs-clone with clvmd-clone (INFINITY)
> >> >     (id:colocation-clusterfs-clone-clvmd-clone-INFINITY)
> >> >        clvmd-clone with dlm-clone (INFINITY)
> >> >     (id:colocation-clvmd-clone-dlm-clone-INFINITY)
> >> >
> >> >     Cluster Properties:
> >> >     cluster-infrastructure: cman
> >> >     dc-version: 1.1.10-14.el6_5.1-368c726
> >> >     last-lrm-refresh: 1388530552
> >> >     no-quorum-policy: ignore
> >> >     stonith-enabled: true
> >> >     Node Attributes:
> >> >     mici-admin: standby=off
> >> >     mici-admin2: standby=off
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >     Last updated: Tue Dec 31 17:15:55 2013
> >> >     Last change: Tue Dec 31 16:57:37 2013 via cibadmin on mici-admin
> >> >     Stack: cman
> >> >     Current DC: mici-admin2 - partition with quorum
> >> >     Version: 1.1.10-14.el6_5.1-368c726
> >> >     2 Nodes configured
> >> >     8 Resources configured
> >> >
> >> >     Online: [ mici-admin mici-admin2 ]
> >> >
> >> >     Full list of resources:
> >> >
> >> >     p_ipmi_fencing_1        (stonith:fence_ipmilan):        Started
> >> >     mici-admin2
> >> >     p_ipmi_fencing_2        (stonith:fence_ipmilan):        Started
> >> >     mici-admin
> >> >     Clone Set: clusterfs-clone [clusterfs]
> >> >           Started: [ mici-admin mici-admin2 ]
> >> >     Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
> >> >           Started: [ mici-admin mici-admin2 ]
> >> >     Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
> >> >           Started: [ mici-admin mici-admin2 ]
> >> >
> >> >     Migration summary:
> >> >     * Node mici-admin:
> >> >     * Node mici-admin2:
> >> >
> >> >     =====================================================
> >> >     crm_mon  after the fenced node reboots.  Shows the failure of clvmd
> >> >     that then
> >> >     occurs, which in turn triggers a fencing of that nnode
> >> >
> >> >     Last updated: Tue Dec 31 17:06:55 2013
> >> >     Last change: Tue Dec 31 16:57:37 2013 via cibadmin on mici-admin
> >> >     Stack: cman
> >> >     Current DC: mici-admin - partition with quorum
> >> >     Version: 1.1.10-14.el6_5.1-368c726
> >> >     2 Nodes configured
> >> >     8 Resources configured
> >> >
> >> >     Node mici-admin: UNCLEAN (online)
> >> >     Online: [ mici-admin2 ]
> >> >
> >> >     Full list of resources:
> >> >
> >> >     p_ipmi_fencing_1        (stonith:fence_ipmilan):        Stopped
> >> >     p_ipmi_fencing_2        (stonith:fence_ipmilan):        Started
> >> >     mici-admin
> >> >     Clone Set: clusterfs-clone [clusterfs]
> >> >           Started: [ mici-admin ]
> >> >           Stopped: [ mici-admin2 ]
> >> >     Clone Set: clvmd-clone [clvmd]
> >> >           clvmd      (lsb:clvmd):    FAILED mici-admin
> >> >           Stopped: [ mici-admin2 ]
> >> >     Clone Set: dlm-clone [dlm]
> >> >           Started: [ mici-admin mici-admin2 ]
> >> >
> >> >     Migration summary:
> >> >     * Node mici-admin:
> >> >         clvmd: migration-threshold=1000000 fail-count=1
> >> >     last-failure='Tue Dec 31 17:04:29 2013'
> >> >     * Node mici-admin2:
> >> >
> >> >     Failed actions:
> >> >          clvmd_monitor_30000 on mici-admin 'unknown error' (1): call=60,
> >> >     status=Timed Out, la
> >> >     st-rc-change='Tue Dec 31 17:04:29 2013', queued=0ms, exec=0ms
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >     _______________________________________________
> >> >     Pacemaker mailing list:Pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org  <mailto:Pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org>
> >> >     <mailto:Pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org>
> >> >http://oss.clusterlabs.org/mailman/listinfo/pacemaker
> >> >
> >> >     Project Home:http://www.clusterlabs.org
> >> >     Getting started:http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf
> >> >     Bugs:http://bugs.clusterlabs.org
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > esta es mi vida e me la vivo hasta que dios quiera
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > _______________________________________________
> >> > Pacemaker mailing list:Pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org  <mailto:Pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org>
> >> >http://oss.clusterlabs.org/mailman/listinfo/pacemaker
> >> >
> >> > Project Home:http://www.clusterlabs.org
> >> > Getting started:http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf
> >> > Bugs:http://bugs.clusterlabs.org
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Pacemaker mailing list: Pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org
> > http://oss.clusterlabs.org/mailman/listinfo/pacemaker
> >
> > Project Home: http://www.clusterlabs.org
> > Getting started: http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf
> > Bugs: http://bugs.clusterlabs.org
> >
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