[Pacemaker] [Question] About replacing in resource_set of the order limitation.

renayama19661014 at ybb.ne.jp renayama19661014 at ybb.ne.jp
Fri Jan 17 06:40:18 UTC 2014

Hi All,

We confirm a function of resource_set.

There were the resource of the group and the resource of the clone.

Stack: corosync
Current DC: srv01 (3232238180) - partition WITHOUT quorum
Version: 1.1.10-f2d0cbc
1 Nodes configured
7 Resources configured

Online: [ srv01 ]

 Resource Group: grpPg
     A      (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started srv01 
     B      (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started srv01 
     C      (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started srv01 
     D      (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started srv01 
     E      (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started srv01 
     F      (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started srv01 
 Clone Set: clnPing [prmPing]
     Started: [ srv01 ]

Node Attributes:
* Node srv01:
    + default_ping_set                  : 100       

Migration summary:
* Node srv01: 


These have limitation showing next.

      <rsc_colocation id="rsc_colocation-grpPg-clnPing" score="INFINITY" rsc="grpPg" with-rsc="clnPing">
      <rsc_order id="rsc_order-clnPing-grpPg" score="0" first="clnPing" then="grpPg" symmetrical="false">

We tried that we rearranged a group in resource_set.
I think that I can rearrange the limitation of "colocation" as follows.

      <rsc_colocation id="rsc_colocation-grpPg-clnPing" score="INFINITY">
        <resource_set id="rsc_colocation-grpPg-clnPing-0">
          <resource_ref id="clnPing"/>
          <resource_ref id="A"/>
          <resource_ref id="F"/>

How should I rearrange the limitation of "order" in resource_set?

I thought that it was necessary to list two of the next, but a method to express well was not found.

 * "symmetirical=true" is necessary between the resources that were a group(A to F).
 * "symmetirical=false" is necessary between the resource that was a group(A to F) and the clone resources.

I wrote it as follows.
However, I think that symmetircal="false" is applied to all order limitation in this.
      <rsc_order id="rsc_order-clnPing-grpPg1" score="0" symmetrical="false">
        <resource_set id="rsc_order-clnPing-grpPg1-0">
          <resource_ref id="clnPing"/>
        <resource_set id="rsc_order-clnPing-grpPg1-1".....>
          <resource_ref id="A"/>
          <resource_ref id="F"/>

Best Reards,
Hideo Yamauchi.

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