[Pacemaker] Migrating resources on custom conditions

Vladislav Bogdanov bubble at hoster-ok.com
Fri Feb 21 11:00:19 UTC 2014

21.02.2014 13:45, Lars Marowsky-Bree wrote:
> On 2014-02-21T13:02:23, Vladislav Bogdanov <bubble at hoster-ok.com> wrote:
>> It could be nice feature to have kind of general SLA concept (it could
>> be very similar to the utilization one from the resource configuration
>> perspective), so resources try to move or live migrate out of nodes
>> which have SLA attributes below the configured threshold. That SLA
>> attributes should probably go to the status section (to not trigger
>> transition aborts on attribute updates) and be managed both internally
>> by pacemaker (expansion to the recent "node-load" concept) and by
>> resource agents (like Health-* as noted by Frank).
>> Pacemaker already has (almost?) all pieces of code to do that ('rule'
>> and 'score-attribute'), but in my taste it is still not enough general
>> in contrast to 'utilization' feature.
> The SystemHealth and node health features are clearly meant to achieve
> this; what's missing from your point of view?

Only ease of configuration I think (for 'custom' node-health-strategy
which I think is most suitable for my use-cases).

I would prefer to have "constraints" not in location rules, but in
resource definition.

I really like how utilization handling is implemented at the
configuration/XML level, and I think it is worth having the same for


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