[Pacemaker] Multicast pitfalls? corosync [TOTEM ] Retransmit List:

Digimer lists at alteeve.ca
Thu Feb 13 18:37:39 UTC 2014

On 13/02/14 12:01 PM, Beo Banks wrote:
> hi thanks...for your help.
> i have two node cluster
> both node are running on seperate hosts.
> the 2x hosts have 2 nic's ....eth0 is 172.XXX...whatever and eth1 is
> direct connection (crossover cable) between the hosts.
> the issue must be my kvm host,or?

What kind of bridging are you using? Standard NAT'ed virbr0 bridges? If 
so, can you/have you tried using traditional bridging? That should turn 
the bridge into more of a traditional switch instead of relying on 
packet routing... I've had no trouble with VM clusters, but I only ever 
tested with both VMs on the same host.

Here's how I build my bridges:


Of course, you could create a stand-alone bridge and use brctl to attach 
the real interface instead of modifying the network config, if you just 
want to test. Once the bridge is built, simple adjust the VM's config to 
use the new bridge. If that works well, then you could consider a more 
permanent config.

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