[Pacemaker] [ha-wg] [RFC] Organizing HA Summit 2015

Tim Serong tserong at suse.com
Mon Dec 1 10:14:59 UTC 2014

On 11/25/2014 02:14 AM, Digimer wrote:
> On 24/11/14 10:12 AM, Lars Marowsky-Bree wrote:
>> Beijing, the US, Tasmania (OK, one crazy guy), various countries in
> Oh, bring him! crazy++

What, you want to bring the guy who's boldly maintaining the outpost on
the southern frontier? ;)


Barring a miracle or a sudden huge advance in matter transporter
technology I'm rather unlikely to make it, I'm afraid.  But I'll add my
voice to what Lars said in another email - go all physical (with good
minutes/notes/etherpads for others to review - which I assume is what's
going to happen this time), or all virtual.  Mixing the two is
exceedingly difficult to do well, IMO.


Tim Serong
Senior Clustering Engineer
tserong at suse.com

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