[Pacemaker] no-quorum-policy = demote?

Christian Ciach dereineda at gmail.com
Thu Apr 10 13:42:52 UTC 2014

I don't really like the idea to periodically poll "crm_node -q" for the
current quorum state. No matter how frequently the monitor-function gets
called, there will always be a small time frame where both nodes will be in
the master state at the same time.

Is there a way to get a notification to the OCF-agent whenever the quorum
state changes?

2014-04-08 10:14 GMT+02:00 Christian Ciach <dereineda at gmail.com>:

> Interesting idea! I can confirm that this works. So, I need to monitor the
> output of "crm_node -q" to check if the current partition has quorum. If
> the partition doesn't have quorum, I need to set the location constraint
> according to your example. If the partition gets quorum again, I need to
> remove the constraint.
> This seems almost a bit hacky, but it should work okay. Thank you! It
> almost a shame that pacemaker doesn't have "demote" as a
> "no-quorum-policy", but supports "demote" as a "loss-policy" for tickets.
> Yesterday I had another idea: Maybe I won't use a multistate resource
> agent but a primitive instead. This way, I will start the resource outside
> of pacemaker and let the start-action of the OCF-agent set the resource to
> master and the stop-action sets it to slave. Then I will just use
> "no-quorum-policy=stop". The downside of this is that I cannot distinguish
> between a stopped resource and a resource in a slave state using crm_mon.
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