[Pacemaker] Fwd: crmsh 2.0 released, and moving to Github

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Fri Apr 4 01:16:41 UTC 2014

FYI for those that prefer crmsh

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Kristoffer Grönlund <kgronlund at suse.com>
> Subject: [Linux-HA] crmsh 2.0 released, and moving to Github
> Date: 4 April 2014 3:03:33 am AEDT
> To: Linux-HA <linux-ha at lists.linux-ha.org>
> Cc: Dejan Muhamedagic <dejan at suse.de>, linux-ha-dev <linux-ha-dev at lists.linux-ha.org>
> Reply-To: General Linux-HA mailing list <linux-ha at lists.linux-ha.org>
> Hello everyone,
> Today, I have two major announcements to make: crmsh is moving to a
> new location, and I'm releasing the next major version of the crm
> shell!
> == Find us at crmsh.github.io
> Since the rest of the High-Availability stack is being developed over
> at Github, we thought it would make things easier to move crmsh over
> there as well. This means we're not only moving the website and issue
> tracker, we're also switching from Mercurial to git.
> From this release forward, you will find everything crmsh-related at
> http://crmsh.github.io, and the source code at
> https://github.com/crmsh/crmsh.
> Here are the new URLs related to crmsh:
> * Website: http://crmsh.github.io/
> * Documentation: http://crmsh.github.io/documentation.html
> * Source repository: https://github.com/crmsh/crmsh/
> * Issue tracker: https://github.com/crmsh/crmsh/issues/
> Not everything has moved quite yet, but the source code and web site
> are in place.
> == New stable release: crmsh 2.0
> Secondly, we are proud to finally release crmsh 2.0! This is the
> version of crmsh I have been developing since I became a maintainer
> last year, and there are a lot of new and improved features in this
> release.
> For a more complete list of changes since the previous version, please
> refer to the changelog:
> * https://github.com/crmsh/crmsh/blob/2.0.0/ChangeLog
> Packages for several popular Linux distributions (updated soon):
> http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/network:/ha-clustering:/Stable/
> Zip archive of the tagged release:
> * https://github.com/crmsh/crmsh/archive/2.0.0.zip
> Here is a short list of some of the biggest changes and features in
> crmsh 2.0:
> * *More stable than ever before!* Many bugs and issues have been
>  fixed, with plenty of help from the community. At the same time,
>  this is a major release with many new features. Testing and pull
>  requests are more than welcome!
> * *Cluster management commands.* We've added a couple of new
>  sub-levels that help with the installation and management of the
>  cluster, as well as maintaining and synchronizing the corosync
>  configuration across nodes. There are now commands for starting and
>  stopping the cluster services, as well as cluster scripts that
>  make the installation and configuration of cluster-controlled
>  resources a one-line command.
> * *Cleaner CLI syntax.* The parser for the configure syntax of
>  crmsh has been rewritten, allowing for cleaner syntax, better
>  error detection and improved error messages.
> * *Tab completion everywhere.* Now tab completion works not only in
>  the interactive mode, but directly from bash. In addition, the
>  completion back end has been completely rewritten and many more
>  commands now have full completion. It's not quite every single
>  command yet, but we're getting there.
> * *New and improved configuration.* The new configuration file is
>  installed in /etc/crm/crm.conf by default or per user if desired,
>  and allows for a much more flexible configuration of crmsh.
> * *Cluster health evaluation.* As part of the cluster script
>  functionality, there is now a cluster health command which
>  analyses and reports on low disk space, problems with network
>  configuration, firewall configuration issues and more. The best part
>  of the cluster health command is that it can work without a
>  configured cluster, providing a checklist of issues to amend before
>  setting up a new cluster.
> * *And wait, there's more!* There is now not only an extensive
>  regression test suite but a growing set of unit tests as well,
>  support for many new features in Pacemaker 1.1.11 such as resource
>  sets in location constraints, anonymous shadow CIBs makes it easier
>  to avoid race conditions in scripts, full syntax highlighting for
>  the built-in help, the assist sub-command helps with more advanced
>  configurations... the list goes on.
> Big thanks to everyone who have helped with bug fixes, comments and
> contributions for this release!
> -- 
> // Kristoffer Grönlund
> // kgronlund at suse.com
> _______________________________________________
> Linux-HA mailing list
> Linux-HA at lists.linux-ha.org
> http://lists.linux-ha.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-ha
> See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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