Gao,Yan ygao at suse.com
Thu Sep 26 10:43:23 UTC 2013

On 09/18/13 17:54, Lars Marowsky-Bree wrote:
> On 2013-09-18T17:53:16, "Gao,Yan" <ygao at suse.com> wrote:
>>> "actions-limit" is a good name. (One of the three hard problems in
>>> computer science! ;-)
>>> (If we need it more fine grained at any point in the future, we can
>>> always add class/provider/type/op elements to it.)
>> Been thinking how to express this in the configuration.
> Like I said, we can leave that part for now. Right now, we only need
> "action-limit" in the crm_config section and overridable via a node
> attribute.


Feature: crmd: Support "actions-limit" - the number of jobs that the TE
is allowed to execute in parallel on a node

Except "batch-limit", which is a cluster-wide concurrency limit,
there are two per-node concurrency limits can be configured now:

* actions-limit:
The number of jobs that the TE is allowed to execute in parallel on a
node. Defaults to 0, the limit will be twice the number of CPU cores on
DC. -1 means unlimited.

* migration-limit:
The number of migration (migrate_to/migrate_from) jobs that the TE is
allowed to execute in parallel on a node. Defaults to 0, the limit will
be half the number of CPU cores on DC. -1 means unlimited.

1. They can be configured as a global property in crm_config.
2. They can be configured as a per-node attribute, which can override
the global property.
3. In practical, also depending on the configuration, any of them can
be reached first.

Any comments are appreciated!

Gao,Yan <ygao at suse.com>
Software Engineer
China Server Team, SUSE.

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