[Pacemaker] IPaddr2 between eth1 e bond1

Michael Schwartzkopff misch at clusterbau.com
Sat Oct 5 15:09:59 UTC 2013

Am Freitag, 4. Oktober 2013, 21:04:13 schrieb Charles Mean:
> Hello guys,
> I have a cluster with 2 nginx sharing one VIP:
> primitive VIP_AD_SRV ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip="X.Y.Z.W"
> cidr_netmask="30" nic="eth1" op monitor interval="1s"
> The problem is that I have replaced on of those two server and the new one
> can't connect over eth1 just over bond1, so, when I move the resource to
> this new server it creates a virtual interface at eth1 and I never reach it.
> Is there a way to solve this situation ?
> Thank you


yes, it is possbile to solve that problem. But it is a little bit tricky and 
you need to play with the XML config file. No shell (pcs, crm) I would know of 
supports that feature.

For details see:


The example given uses different ports on the cluster nodes, but it also works 
for different interface names on the nodes.

ON the other hand, you could the resource figure out the interface by itself 
via the routing lookup. If the nodes have a dedicated IP address in the net of 
the VIP it should work automagically.

Dr. Michael Schwartzkopff
Guardinistr. 63
81375 München

Tel: (0163) 172 50 98
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