[Pacemaker] stonith resource "action" parameter ignored?

Nikola Ciprich nikola.ciprich at linuxbox.cz
Fri Oct 18 09:04:26 UTC 2013


I'm still trying to get fencing working with dual power supply / node
and either I'm blind to some dumb mistake of mine, or there's some
nasty pacemaker bug..

I've set 4 stonith resources:
 node1-st1-off ...  action="off"
 node1-st2-off ... action="off"
 node1-st1-on ... action="on"
 node1-st2-on ... action="on"

and fencing topology as follows:
fencing_topology node2: node1-st1-off,node1-st2-off,node1-st1-on,node1-st2-on

however, when node is to be fenced, pacemaker executes each step with reboot action,
which of cause cannot fence the node (since other power supply is always on).

should I file this as a bug, or is this my failure to understand fencing topologies

I was setting thins up according to http://clusterlabs.org/wiki/Fencing_topology

I'd be very grateful for any help



Ing. Nikola CIPRICH
LinuxBox.cz, s.r.o.
28.rijna 168, 709 00 Ostrava

tel.:   +420 591 166 214
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