[Pacemaker] CentOS 6.4 and CFS.

Rob Thomas xrobau at gmail.com
Fri Nov 15 20:24:29 UTC 2013

>    https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6-Beta/html/Configuring_the_Red_Hat_High_Availability_Add-On_with_Pacemaker/ch-clusteradmin-HAAR.html

Also, there's a pile of things in there that don't work ... but, I'm
hesitant to spam this mailing list with problems with RedHat's
documentation (eg, 3.2 says 'pcs cluster setup [--start] [--local]
cluster_name node1 [node2] [...]' but the ACTUAL command you run is
'pcs cluster setup --name=cluster_name node1 [node2] [...]')


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