[Pacemaker] corosync stop and consequences

andreas graeper agraeper at googlemail.com
Wed Jun 26 14:36:43 UTC 2013

hi and thanks.
a primitive can be moved to another node. how can i move (change roles) of
drbd:master to the other node ? and will all the depending resources follow
then i can stop (and start again) corosync on passive node without problem
(my tiny experience).

another question: i found a location-constraint (i think it was set by some
of the handlers in drbd-config):

location drbd:master -INF #uname ne n1
does this mean: drbd must not get promoted on node other than n1 ?!

i found this in a situation, when n2 had gone and drbd could not get
promoted on n1, so all the other resources did not start.
but the problem was not drbd, cause i could manually set it to primary.

thanks in advance

2013/6/25 Digimer <lists at alteeve.ca>

> On 06/25/2013 07:29 AM, andreas graeper wrote:
> > hi,
> > maybe again and again the same question, please excuse.
> >
> > two nodes (n1 active / n2 passive) and `service corosync stop` on active.
> > does the node, that is going down, tells the other that he has gone,
> > before he actually disconnect ?
> > so that there is no reason for n2 to kill n1 ?
> >
> > on n2 after n1.corosync.stop :
> >
> > drbd:promote OK
> > lvm:start OK
> > filesystem:start OK
> > but ipaddr2 still stopped ?
> >
> > n1::drbd:demote works ?! so i would expect that all that depending
> > resource should have been
> > stopped successfully ?!
> > and if not, why ? why should ipaddr2:stop fail
> > and if it would fail, can filesystem:stop , lvm:stop , drbd:demote
> > succeed ?
> >
> > how can i find some hint in logs why ipaddr fails to start ?
> >
> > thanks
> > andreas
> If you stop corosync while pacemaker is running, it may well still get
> fenced (I've not tested this myself). If you want to gracefully shut
> down without a fence, migrate the services off of the node (if any were
> running), then stop pacemaker, then stop corosync and it should be fine.
> --
> Digimer
> Papers and Projects: https://alteeve.ca/w/
> What if the cure for cancer is trapped in the mind of a person without
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