[Pacemaker] [corosync] pacemaker/corosync: error: qb_sys_mmap_file_open: couldn't open file

Jacek Konieczny jajcus at jajcus.net
Tue Jun 25 06:59:19 UTC 2013

On Tue, 25 Jun 2013 16:43:54 +1000
Andrew Beekhof <andrew at beekhof.net> wrote:
> Ok, I was just checking Pacemaker was built for the running version
> of libqb.

Yes it was. corosync 2.2.0 and libqb 0.14.0 both on the build system and
on the cluster systems.

Hmm… I forgot libqb is a separate package… I guess I should try
upgrading libqb now…

> What is the permissions on /dev/shm/ itself?

[root at dev1n2 ~]# ls -ld /dev/shm
drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 800 Jun 24 13:31 /dev/shm


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