[Pacemaker] Weired resource-stickiness behavior

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Wed Jun 12 00:52:16 UTC 2013

On 09/06/2013, at 12:19 PM, Xiaomin Zhang <zhangxiaomin at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, Pacemaker Gurus:
> My HA (2 active/slave nodes and 1 standby node) setup contains 1 DRBD
> master/slave resource group, and 1 simple lsb resource. I configure some
> location constraints to prefer the active node, and I also want
> resource-stickiness to the actual online node to avoid unnecessary switchover.
> The expected topology is as below:
> ms_drbd_ssn
>  |
> fs_ssn
>  |
> ip_ssn   
>  |        
> ssn      ip_sst
>    \     /
>     \   /
>      sst
> The ip_ssn and ip_sst are two independent VIPs, and sst service depends on
> both ip_sst and ssn. At the same time, I prefer ssn and sst to be initially
> started on node1, so that node1 should have two VIPs at resource startup.
> This setup almost works, except below 2 issues:
> 1.  when the failed node is online again, all the resource are restarted,
> this is totally unnecessary
> 2.  when failover from node1 to node2, all resources will be started on
> node2, however, when node1 is online again, the sst service will failback to
> node1, which is not I want.
> My pacemaker version is 1.1.7-6.el6 and setup on CentOS6.3.
> Is my setup not well configured as expected?
> Could you please share your thoughts about it?
> Any advice is pretty appreciated.

Try increasing your stickiness as it is being exceeded by the location constraints.
For the biggest stick, try 'infinity' which means - never move unless the node dies.

> Thanks.
> Below is my configure:
> ------------------CONFIG START--------------------------------------
> node node3 \
> 	attributes standby="on"
> node node1
> node node2
> primitive drbd_ssn ocf:linbit:drbd \
> 	params drbd_resource="r0" \
> 	op monitor interval="15s"
> primitive fs_ssn ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
> 	op monitor interval="15s" \
> 	params device="/dev/drbd0" directory="/drbd" fstype="ext3" \
> 	meta target-role="Started"
> primitive ip_ssn ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
> 	params ip="" cidr_netmask="32" \
> 	op monitor interval="15s" \
> 	meta target-role="Started"
> primitive ip_sst ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
> 	params ip="" cidr_netmask="32" \
> 	op monitor interval="15s" \
> 	meta target-role="Started"
> primitive sst lsb:sst \
> 	op monitor interval="15s" \
> 	meta target-role="stopped"
> primitive ssn lsb:ssn \
> 	op monitor interval="15s" \
> 	meta target-role="stopped"
> ms ms_drbd_ssn drbd_ssn \
> 	meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1"
> notify="true" target-role="Started"
> location sst_ip_prefer ip_sst 50: node1
> location drbd_ssn_prefer ms_drbd_ssn 50: node1
> colocation fs_ssn_coloc inf: ip_ssn fs_ssn
> colocation fs_on_drbd_coloc inf: fs_ssn ms_drbd_ssn:Master
> colocation sst_ip_coloc inf: sst ip_sst
> colocation ssn_ip_coloc inf: ssn ip_ssn
> order ssn_after_drbd inf: ms_drbd_ssn:promote fs_ssn:start
> order ip_after_fs inf: fs_ssn:start ip_ssn:start
> order sst_after_ip inf: ip_sst:start sst:start
> order sst_after_ssn inf: ssn:start sst:start
> order ssn_after_ip inf: ip_ssn:start ssn:start
> property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
> 	dc-version="1.1.8-7.el6-394e906" \
> 	cluster-infrastructure="classic openais (with plugin)" \
> 	expected-quorum-votes="3" \
> 	stonith-enabled="false"
> rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" \
> 	resource-stickiness="100"
> -------------------CONFIG END----------------------------------------
> Best Regards.
> Xiaomin
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