[Pacemaker] RHEL6 - clam + pacemaker + clvmd

Vladislav Bogdanov bubble at hoster-ok.com
Mon Jul 1 09:42:18 UTC 2013

01.07.2013 12:29, Nikola Ciprich wrote:
>> clvmd by default blocks if there are nodes in cluster which do not run
>> clvmd.
>> There was an attempt to solve this issue for corosync2 stack, that
>> exists as a patch to clvmd (posted to lvm list -
>> http://www.redhat.com/archives/lvm-devel/2012-November/msg00024.html).
>> For other stacks additional patching is needed (I expect that to be
>> possible for cman one too).
> Hello Vladislav,
> thanks for Your reply! I would not have any problem with switching
> to corosync-driven CLVMD, but for some reason, only supported stack
> in RHEL CLVMD is cman.. does somebody know why is that? Is it safe
> to recompile clvmd with corosync support (+ apply mentioned patch)
> and use that? I've been using corosync till now anyways, so I'd like
> to stick to it if possible...

I actually did that myself, but I wouldn't recommend that way unless you
are familiar with all that. You may search through archives and look at
Andrew's blog (blog.clusterlabs.org, notably
http://blog.clusterlabs.org/blog/2012/pacemaker-and-cluster-filesystems/) for
additional details. You may also look at my slides at

In short - that is really complicated to backport everything to RHEL6.


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