[Pacemaker] 1.1.10 rc7 + final strange behaviour

Johan Huysmans johan.huysmans at inuits.be
Mon Jul 29 10:29:00 EDT 2013


I was testing the latest rc7 and the final version of 1.1.10.

My test is the combination of cloned resources and 1 resource group 
containing constraints that the resource group can only run on a node 
where the cloned resource is running

With a 1 node setup everything works ok.
Triggering a failure in the cloned resource triggered a stop of the 
resource group.
Recovering the failure in the cloned resource triggered a recovery of 
the group.

I added my other node, and performed the same failure.
However here strange things happened.
The failure is not correctly shown in crm_mon. A failing resource can be 
shown as ok and and when it is recovered it can be shown a failing.
The resource group is still running on the node of the cluster where the 
cloned resource is failing, however this should failover.

It seems that something got broken in one of the latest rc's as this did 

I included in a crm_report of the moment where a cloned resource failed.

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