[Pacemaker] WARNINGS and ERRORS on syslog after update to 1.1.7
Francesco Namuri
f.namuri at credires.it
Mon Jul 1 03:06:11 EDT 2013
Il 28/06/2013 14.06, Andrew Beekhof ha scritto:
> On 27/06/2013, at 10:46 PM, Andrew Beekhof <andrew at beekhof.net> wrote:
>> On 25/06/2013, at 9:44 PM, Francesco Namuri <f.namuri at credires.it> wrote:
>>>> Can you attach /var/lib/pengine/pe-input-64.bz2 from SERVERNAME1 please?
>>>> I'll be able to see if its something we've already fixed.
>> Nope still there. I will attempt to fix this tomorrow.
> Actually there is a config error that we didn't detect:
> <rsc_order first="msDRBD" first-action="promote" id="ordDRBDDLM" score="0" then="cloneDLM"/>
> The default for then-action is "whatever first-action was set to", in this case "promote".
> Which makes no sense because cloneDLM is not a master/slave resource.
Hi Andrew,
thank you very much, I'll try to fix my config this morning...
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