[Pacemaker] node status does not change even if pacemakerd dies

emmanuel segura emi2fast at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 10:02:15 UTC 2013


Maybe my question is stupid, but are you root when you try to killing the


2013/1/9 Kazunori INOUE <inouekazu at intellilink.co.jp>

> Hi Andrew,
> I have another question about this subject.
> Even if pengine, stonithd, and attrd crash after pacemakerd is killed
> (for example, killed by OOM_Killer), node status does not change.
> * pseudo testcase
>  [dev1 ~]$ crm configure show
>  node $id="2472913088" dev2
>  node $id="2506467520" dev1
>  primitive prmDummy ocf:pacemaker:Dummy \
>          op monitor on-fail="restart" interval="10s"
>  property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
>          dc-version="1.1.8-d20d06f" \
>          cluster-infrastructure="**corosync" \
>          no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
>          stonith-enabled="false" \
>          startup-fencing="false"
>  rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" \
>          resource-stickiness="INFINITY" \
>          migration-threshold="1"
>  [dev1 ~]$ pkill -9 pacemakerd
>  [dev1 ~]$ pkill -9 pengine
>  [dev1 ~]$ pkill -9 stonithd
>  [dev1 ~]$ pkill -9 attrd
>  [dev1 ~]$ ps -ef|egrep 'corosync|pacemaker'
>  root   19124    1  0 14:27 ?     00:00:01 corosync
>  496    19144    1  0 14:27 ?     00:00:00 /usr/libexec/pacemaker/cib
>  root   19146    1  0 14:27 ?     00:00:00 /usr/libexec/pacemaker/lrmd
>  496    19149    1  0 14:27 ?     00:00:00 /usr/libexec/pacemaker/crmd
>  [dev1 ~]$ crm_mon -1
>   :
>  Stack: corosync
>  Current DC: dev2 (2472913088) - partition with quorum
>  Version: 1.1.8-d20d06f
>  2 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes
>  1 Resources configured.
>  Online: [ dev1 dev2 ]
>   prmDummy       (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started dev1
> Node (dev1) remains Online.
> When other processes such as lrmd crash, it becomes "UNCLEAN (offline)".
> Is this a bug? Or specifications?
> Best Regards,
> Kazunori INOUE
> (13.01.08 09:16), Andrew Beekhof wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 8:15 PM, Kazunori INOUE
>> <inouekazu at intellilink.co.jp> wrote:
>>> (12.12.13 08:26), Andrew Beekhof wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 8:02 PM, Kazunori INOUE
>>>> <inouekazu at intellilink.co.jp> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I recognize that pacemakerd is much less likely to crash.
>>>>> However, a possibility of being killed by OOM_Killer etc. is not 0%.
>>>> True.  Although we just established in another thread that we don't
>>>> have any leaks :)
>>>>  So I think that a user gets confused. since behavior at the time of
>>>>> process
>>>>> death differs even if pacemakerd is running.
>>>>> case A)
>>>>>    When pacemakerd and other processes (crmd etc.) are the parent-child
>>>>> relation.
>>>> [snip]
>>>>>    For example, crmd died.
>>>>>    However, since it is relaunched, the state of the cluster is not
>>>>> affected.
>>>> Right.
>>>> [snip]
>>>>> case B)
>>>>>    When pacemakerd and other processes are NOT the parent-child
>>>>> relation.
>>>>>    Although pacemakerd was killed, it assumed the state where it was
>>>>> respawned
>>>>> by Upstart.
>>>>>     $ service corosync start ; service pacemaker start
>>>>>     $ pkill -9 pacemakerd
>>>>>     $ ps -ef|egrep 'corosync|pacemaker|UID'
>>>>>     UID      PID  PPID  C STIME TTY       TIME CMD
>>>>>     root   21091     1  1 14:52 ?     00:00:00 corosync
>>>>>     496    21099     1  0 14:52 ?     00:00:00
>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/cib
>>>>>     root   21100     1  0 14:52 ?     00:00:00
>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/**stonithd
>>>>>     root   21101     1  0 14:52 ?     00:00:00
>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/lrmd
>>>>>     496    21102     1  0 14:52 ?     00:00:00
>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/attrd
>>>>>     496    21103     1  0 14:52 ?     00:00:00
>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/pengine
>>>>>     496    21104     1  0 14:52 ?     00:00:00
>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/crmd
>>>>>     root   21128     1  1 14:53 ?     00:00:00 /usr/sbin/pacemakerd
>>>> Yep, looks right.
>>> Hi Andrew,
>>> We discussed this behavior.
>>> Behavior when pacemakerd and other processes are not parent-child
>>> relation (case B) reached the conclusion that there is room for
>>> improvement.
>>> Since not all users are experts, they may kill pacemakerd accidentally.
>>> Such a user will get confused if the behavior after crmd death changes
>>> with the following conditions.
>>> case A: pacemakerd and others (crmd etc.) are the parent-child relation.
>>> case B: pacemakerd and others are not the parent-child relation.
>>> So, we want to *always* obtain the same behavior as the case where
>>> there is parent-child relation.
>>> That is, when crmd etc. die, we want pacemaker to always relaunch
>>> the process always immediately.
>> No. Sorry.
>> Writing features to satisfy an artificial test case is not a good
>> practice.
>> We can speed up the failure detection for case B (I'll agree that 60s
>> is way too long, 5s or 2s might be better depending on the load is
>> creates), but causing downtime now to _maybe_ avoid downtime in the
>> future makes no sense.
>> Especially when you consider that the node will likely be fenced if
>> the crmd fails anyway.
>> Take a look at the logs from a some ComponentFail test runs and you'll
>> see that the parent-child relationship regularly _fails_ to prevent
>> downtime.
>>> Regards,
>>> Kazunori INOUE
>>>     In this case, the node will be set to UNCLEAN if crmd dies.
>>>>>    That is, the node will be fenced if there is stonith resource.
>>>> Which is exactly what happens if only pacemakerd is killed with your
>>>> proposal.
>>>> Except now you have time to do a graceful pacemaker restart to
>>>> re-establish the parent-child relationship.
>>>> If you want to compare B with something, it needs to be with the old
>>>> "children terminate if pacemakerd dies" strategy.
>>>> Which is:
>>>>      $ service corosync start ; service pacemaker start
>>>>>     $ pkill -9 pacemakerd
>>>>>    ... the node will be set to UNCLEAN
>>>> Old way: always downtime because children terminate which triggers
>>>> fencing
>>>> Our way: no downtime unless there is an additional failure (to the cib
>>>> or
>>>> crmd)
>>>> Given that we're trying for HA, the second seems preferable.
>>>>>     $ pkill -9 crmd
>>>>>     $ crm_mon -1
>>>>>     Last updated: Wed Dec 12 14:53:48 2012
>>>>>     Last change: Wed Dec 12 14:53:10 2012 via crmd on dev2
>>>>>     Stack: corosync
>>>>>     Current DC: dev2 (2472913088) - partition with quorum
>>>>>     Version: 1.1.8-3035414
>>>>>     2 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes
>>>>>     0 Resources configured.
>>>>>     Node dev1 (2506467520): UNCLEAN (online)
>>>>>     Online: [ dev2 ]
>>>>> How about making behavior selectable with an option?
>>>> MORE_DOWNTIME_PLEASE=(true|**false) ?
>>>>> When pacemakerd dies,
>>>>> mode A) which behaves in an existing way. (default)
>>>>> mode B) which makes the node UNCLEAN.
>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>> Kazunori INOUE
>>>>>  Making stop work when there is no pacemakerd process is a different
>>>>>> matter. We can make that work.
>>>>>>> Though the best solution is to relaunch pacemakerd, if it is
>>>>>>> difficult,
>>>>>>> I think that a shortcut method is to make a node unclean.
>>>>>>> And now, I tried Upstart a little bit.
>>>>>>> 1) started the corosync and pacemaker.
>>>>>>>     $ cat /etc/init/pacemaker.conf
>>>>>>>     respawn
>>>>>>>     script
>>>>>>>         [ -f /etc/sysconfig/pacemaker ] && {
>>>>>>>             . /etc/sysconfig/pacemaker
>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>         exec /usr/sbin/pacemakerd
>>>>>>>     end script
>>>>>>>     $ service co start
>>>>>>>     Starting Corosync Cluster Engine (corosync):               [  OK
>>>>>>>  ]
>>>>>>>     $ initctl start pacemaker
>>>>>>>     pacemaker start/running, process 4702
>>>>>>>     $ ps -ef|egrep 'corosync|pacemaker'
>>>>>>>     root   4695     1  0 17:21 ?    00:00:00 corosync
>>>>>>>     root   4702     1  0 17:21 ?    00:00:00 /usr/sbin/pacemakerd
>>>>>>>     496 4703 4702 0 17:21 ?    00:00:00 /usr/libexec/pacemaker/cib
>>>>>>>     root   4704  4702  0 17:21 ?    00:00:00
>>>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/**stonithd
>>>>>>>     root   4705  4702  0 17:21 ?    00:00:00
>>>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/lrmd
>>>>>>>     496 4706 4702 0 17:21 ?    00:00:00
>>>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/attrd
>>>>>>>     496 4707 4702 0 17:21 ?    00:00:00
>>>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/pengine
>>>>>>>     496 4708 4702 0 17:21 ?    00:00:00 /usr/libexec/pacemaker/crmd
>>>>>>> 2) killed pacemakerd.
>>>>>>>     $ pkill -9 pacemakerd
>>>>>>>     $ ps -ef|egrep 'corosync|pacemaker'
>>>>>>>     root   4695     1  0 17:21 ?    00:00:01 corosync
>>>>>>>     496    4703     1  0 17:21 ?    00:00:00
>>>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/cib
>>>>>>>     root   4704     1  0 17:21 ?    00:00:00
>>>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/**stonithd
>>>>>>>     root   4705     1  0 17:21 ?    00:00:00
>>>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/lrmd
>>>>>>>     496    4706     1  0 17:21 ?    00:00:00
>>>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/attrd
>>>>>>>     496    4707     1  0 17:21 ?    00:00:00
>>>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/pengine
>>>>>>>     496    4708     1  0 17:21 ?    00:00:00
>>>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/crmd
>>>>>>>     root   4760     1  1 17:24 ?    00:00:00 /usr/sbin/pacemakerd
>>>>>>> 3) then I stopped pacemakerd. however, some processes did not stop.
>>>>>>>     $ initctl stop pacemaker
>>>>>>>     pacemaker stop/waiting
>>>>>>>     $ ps -ef|egrep 'corosync|pacemaker'
>>>>>>>     root   4695     1  0 17:21 ?    00:00:01 corosync
>>>>>>>     496    4703     1  0 17:21 ?    00:00:00
>>>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/cib
>>>>>>>     root   4704     1  0 17:21 ?    00:00:00
>>>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/**stonithd
>>>>>>>     root   4705     1  0 17:21 ?    00:00:00
>>>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/lrmd
>>>>>>>     496    4706     1  0 17:21 ?    00:00:00
>>>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/attrd
>>>>>>>     496    4707     1  0 17:21 ?    00:00:00
>>>>>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/pengine
>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>> Kazunori INOUE
>>>>>>>  This isnt the case when the plugin is in use though, but then I'd
>>>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>>> have expected most of the processes to die also.
>>>>>>>>>>  Since node status will also change if such a result is brought,
>>>>>>>>> we desire to become so.
>>>>>>>>>>> ----
>>>>>>>>>>> $ cat /etc/redhat-release
>>>>>>>>>>> Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3 (Santiago)
>>>>>>>>>>> $ ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
>>>>>>>>>>> --without-cman
>>>>>>>>>>> --without-heartbeat
>>>>>>>>>>> -snip-
>>>>>>>>>>> pacemaker configuration:
>>>>>>>>>>>        Version                  = 1.1.8 (Build: 9c13d14)
>>>>>>>>>>>        Features                 = generated-manpages
>>>>>>>>>>> agent-manpages
>>>>>>>>>>>        ascii-docs
>>>>>>>>>>> publican-docs ncurses libqb-logging libqb-ipc lha-fencing
>>>>>>>>>>>      corosync-native
>>>>>>>>>>> snmp
>>>>>>>>>>> $ cat config.log
>>>>>>>>>>> -snip-
>>>>>>>>>>> 6000 | #define BUILD_VERSION "9c13d14"
>>>>>>>>>>> 6001 | /* end confdefs.h.  */
>>>>>>>>>>> 6002 | #include <gio/gio.h>
>>>>>>>>>>> 6003 |
>>>>>>>>>>> 6004 | int
>>>>>>>>>>> 6005 | main ()
>>>>>>>>>>> 6006 | {
>>>>>>>>>>> 6007 | if (sizeof (GDBusProxy))
>>>>>>>>>>> 6008 |        return 0;
>>>>>>>>>>> 6009 |   ;
>>>>>>>>>>> 6010 |   return 0;
>>>>>>>>>>> 6011 | }
>>>>>>>>>>> 6012 configure:32411: result: no
>>>>>>>>>>> 6013 configure:32417: WARNING: Unable to support systemd/upstart.
>>>>>>>>>>> You need
>>>>>>>>>>> to use glib >= 2.26
>>>>>>>>>>> -snip-
>>>>>>>>>>> 6286 | #define BUILD_VERSION "9c13d14"
>>>>>>>>>>> 6287 | #define SUPPORT_UPSTART 0
>>>>>>>>>>> 6288 | #define SUPPORT_SYSTEMD 0
>>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Kazunori INOUE
>>>>>>>>>>>>  related bugzilla:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://bugs.clusterlabs.org/**show_bug.cgi?id=5064<http://bugs.clusterlabs.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5064>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kazunori INOUE
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ______________________________**_________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pacemaker mailing list: Pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://oss.clusterlabs.org/**mailman/listinfo/pacemaker<http://oss.clusterlabs.org/mailman/listinfo/pacemaker>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Project Home: http://www.clusterlabs.org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Getting started:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.clusterlabs.org/**doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf<http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bugs: http://bugs.clusterlabs.org
>>> ______________________________**_________________
>>> Pacemaker mailing list: Pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org
>>> http://oss.clusterlabs.org/**mailman/listinfo/pacemaker<http://oss.clusterlabs.org/mailman/listinfo/pacemaker>
>>> Project Home: http://www.clusterlabs.org
>>> Getting started: http://www.clusterlabs.org/**
>>> doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf<http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf>
>>> Bugs: http://bugs.clusterlabs.org
>> ______________________________**_________________
>> Pacemaker mailing list: Pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org
>> http://oss.clusterlabs.org/**mailman/listinfo/pacemaker<http://oss.clusterlabs.org/mailman/listinfo/pacemaker>
>> Project Home: http://www.clusterlabs.org
>> Getting started: http://www.clusterlabs.org/**
>> doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf<http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf>
>> Bugs: http://bugs.clusterlabs.org
> ______________________________**_________________
> Pacemaker mailing list: Pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org
> http://oss.clusterlabs.org/**mailman/listinfo/pacemaker<http://oss.clusterlabs.org/mailman/listinfo/pacemaker>
> Project Home: http://www.clusterlabs.org
> Getting started: http://www.clusterlabs.org/**doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf<http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf>
> Bugs: http://bugs.clusterlabs.org

esta es mi vida e me la vivo hasta que dios quiera
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