[Pacemaker] Pacemaker1.1.8:pacemaker srvc fails to stop gracefully & crm resource cleanup fails

Parshvi parshvi.17 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 06:11:57 UTC 2013

> crm_mon failed on Node-1 with the following error:
> establish cib_ro connection: Resource temporarily unavailable (11)
> crm resource cleanup <rsc> failed on Node-1 with the following error:
> Could not establish cib_rw connection: Resource temporarily unavailable (11)
> Error signing on to the CIB service: Transport endpoint is not connected

Hi request the owners to please provide some input. 
Our system at production is down for over 10 hours under this
 release of pacemaker.

We faced the issue again:
crm_mon failed on Node-1 with the following error:
establish cib_ro connection: Resource temporarily 
unavailable (11)
- lrmd_connection_destroy:         connection destroyed
- crmd:     info: lrm_connection_destroy:  LRM Connection 
- crmd:     info: do_cib_control:  Disconnecting CIB
pacemaker srvc couldnt be stopped. had to be killed to restart.

The failed rscs during this period are not recovered
 by cluster srvc.
I will upload the hb_report for this issue.

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