[Pacemaker] Dependency Trees

Lars Marowsky-Bree lmb at suse.com
Thu Feb 21 15:25:20 UTC 2013

On 2013-02-20T23:06:59, Donald Stahl <don at blacksun.org> wrote:

> > On the one hand, you say OraListener1 and OraInstance1 need to be on
> > the same node, but on the other you say they can start/stop
> > individually.
> There are maintenance reasons for some of these requirements- for
> example the listener can only ever be on the same box as the database,
> but I might want to take the listener down but keep the database up. I
> realize it's an odd requirement.

This you can achieve via an order constraint with score=0. 

And it appears that having the listener be collocated with the database,
but ordered before, should be feasible to express this.


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