[Pacemaker] Pacemaker is not automatically mounting the DRBD partitions

emmanuel segura emi2fast at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 19:38:23 UTC 2013

Hello Cristiane

You need to change your pacemaker config(drbd primitive) like this


primitive drbd_home ocf:linbit:drbd \
        params drbd_resource="home" \
        op monitor interval="15s"

In drbd_resource parameter put the name of your drbd resource, not the name
of devices


2013/2/14 Cristiane França <cristianedefranca at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I configured resources with options "is-managed=true".
> crm(live)configure# edit ms_drbd_home
> ms ms_drbd_home drbd_home \
>         meta is-managed="true" master-max="1" master-node-max="1"
> clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1" notify="true"
> But the problem remains :
>  Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_home [drbd_home]
>      drbd_home:1 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave primario (unmanaged) FAILED
>      Stopped: [ drbd_home:0 ]
>  Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_sistema [drbd_sistema]
>      drbd_sistema:0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave primario (unmanaged) FAILED
>      Stopped: [ drbd_sistema:1 ]
>  Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_database [drbd_database]
>      drbd_database:0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave primario (unmanaged) FAILED
>      Stopped: [ drbd_database:1 ]
> regards,
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:21 AM, emmanuel segura <emi2fast at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hello Cristiane
>> I think your pacemaker config doesn't call the resource defined in your
>> drbd config
>> 2013/2/14 Cristiane França <cristianedefranca at gmail.com>
>>> hello,
>>> I installed Pacemaker (1.1.7-6) and DRBD (8.4.2-2) on my server CentOS
>>> 6.3 (kernel 2.6.32-279.19.1 - 64 bits).
>>> I'm having the following problem:
>>> The Pacemaker is not automatically mounting the DRBD partitions or
>>> setting which is the main machine.
>>> Where is configured to mount the partitions?
>>> my server configuration:
>>> node primario
>>> node secundario
>>> primitive ClusterIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
>>>         params ip="" cidr_netmask="32" \
>>>         op monitor interval="30s"
>>> primitive database_fs ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
>>>         params device="/dev/drbd3" directory="/database" fstype="ext4"
>>> primitive drbd_database ocf:linbit:drbd \
>>>         params drbd_resource="drbd3" \
>>>         op monitor interval="15s"
>>> primitive drbd_home ocf:linbit:drbd \
>>>         params drbd_resource="drbd1" \
>>>         op monitor interval="15s"
>>> primitive drbd_sistema ocf:linbit:drbd \
>>>         params drbd_resource="drbd2" \
>>>         op monitor interval="15s"
>>> primitive home_fs ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
>>>         params device="/dev/drbd1" directory="/home" fstype="ext4"
>>> primitive sistema_fs ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
>>>         params device="/dev/drbd2" directory="/sistema" fstype="ext4"
>>> ms ms_drbd_database drbd_database \
>>>         meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2"
>>> clone-node-max="1" notify="true"
>>> ms ms_drbd_home drbd_home \
>>>         meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2"
>>> clone-node-max="1" notify="true"
>>> ms ms_drbd_sistema drbd_sistema \
>>>         meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2"
>>> clone-node-max="1" notify="true"
>>> colocation database_on_drbd inf: database_fs ms_drbd_database:Master
>>> colocation fs_on_drbd inf: home_fs ms_drbd_home:Master
>>> colocation sistema_on_drbd inf: sistema_fs ms_drbd_sistema:Master
>>>  order database_after_drbd inf: ms_drbd_database:promote
>>> database_fs:start
>>> order fs_after_drbd inf: ms_drbd_home:promote home_fs:start
>>> order sistema_after_drbd inf: ms_drbd_sistema:promote sistema_fs:start
>>> property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
>>> dc-version="1.1.7-6.el6-148fccfd5985c5590cc601123c6c16e966b85d14" \
>>>         cluster-infrastructure="openais" \
>>>         stonith-enabled="false" \
>>>         no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
>>>         expected-quorum-votes="2" \
>>>         last-lrm-refresh="1360756132"
>>> rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" \
>>>         resource-stickiness="100"
>>> ============
>>> Last updated: Thu Feb 14 10:21:47 2013
>>> Last change: Thu Feb 14 09:45:16 2013 via cibadmin on primario
>>> Stack: openais
>>> Current DC: primario - partition with quorum
>>> Version: 1.1.7-6.el6-148fccfd5985c5590cc601123c6c16e966b85d14
>>> 2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
>>> 10 Resources configured.
>>> ============
>>> Online: [ secundario primario ]
>>>  ClusterIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started primario
>>>  Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_home [drbd_home]
>>>      drbd_home:0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave secundario (unmanaged) FAILED
>>>      drbd_home:1 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave primario (unmanaged) FAILED
>>>  Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_sistema [drbd_sistema]
>>>      drbd_sistema:0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave primario (unmanaged)
>>>      drbd_sistema:1 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave secundario (unmanaged)
>>>  Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_database [drbd_database]
>>>      drbd_database:0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave primario (unmanaged)
>>>      drbd_database:1 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave secundario (unmanaged)
>>> Failed actions:
>>>     drbd_database:0_stop_0 (node=primario, call=23, rc=5,
>>> status=complete): not installed
>>>     drbd_home:1_stop_0 (node=primario, call=8, rc=5, status=complete):
>>> not installed
>>>     drbd_sistema:0_stop_0 (node=primario, call=22, rc=5,
>>> status=complete): not installed
>>>     drbd_home:0_stop_0 (node=secundario, call=18, rc=5,
>>> status=complete): not installed
>>>     drbd_sistema:1_stop_0 (node=secundario, call=20, rc=5,
>>> status=complete): not installed
>>>     drbd_database:1_stop_0 (node=secundario, call=19, rc=5,
>>> status=complete): not installed
>>> I'm sorry for my English.
>>> Cristiane
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>> --
>> esta es mi vida e me la vivo hasta que dios quiera
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>> Pacemaker mailing list: Pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org
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>> Getting started: http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf
>> Bugs: http://bugs.clusterlabs.org
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> Pacemaker mailing list: Pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org
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esta es mi vida e me la vivo hasta que dios quiera
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