[Pacemaker] [Booth] Howto grant ticket to other site, if resource fails

Michael Wagner michael.wagner at gmx.at
Fri Feb 15 12:56:18 UTC 2013


I am currently working on a geo-redundant setup with two sites and one arbitrator, using booth as ticket manager.

In case of network-outages, or a whole site is down, booth correctly grants the ticket to the other site (where pacemaker then starts all dependent resources).

What I´m now trying to achieve is, that also in case a resource fails (and can´t be restarted) on one site, the ticket should be revoked from this site, and granted to the other. (I.e. also a fail-over in case of issues with single resources, and not only in case of whole sites or networks between them).

I found an old thread regarding that topic, that suggests implementing the behavior in an own daemon:
Does such a daemon exist, or is someone working on it? (in that case I´d rather contribute, than re-inventing the wheel).
Or is there any other way to achieve such a behavior with "built in"-functions in pacemaker and booth? 

Best Regards,

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