[Pacemaker] How to properly define DRBD resources

Michał Margula alchemyx at uznam.net.pl
Tue Dec 17 14:28:37 UTC 2013

W dniu 17.12.2013 14:57, Nikita Staroverov pisze:
> 677
> 678 # avoid too tight pacemaker driven "recovery" loop,
> 679 # if promotion keeps failing for some reason
> 680 if [[ $rc != 0 ]] && (( $SECONDS < 15 )) ; then
> 681 delay=$(( 15 - SECONDS ))
> 682 ocf_log warn "promotion failed; sleep $delay # to prevent tight
> recovery loop"
> 683 sleep $delay
> 684 fi
> 685 return $rc


I have this part above missing. So there was no patch applied. I will do 
it manually by adding this section. Will that be enough? I mean adding:

         # avoid too tight pacemaker driven "recovery" loop,
         # if promotion keeps failing for some reason
         if [[ $rc != 0 ]] && (( $SECONDS < 15 )) ; then
                 delay=$(( 15 - SECONDS ))
                 ocf_log warn "promotion failed; sleep $delay # to 
prevent tight
                 recovery loop"
                 sleep $delay

I am asking because my lines number are different. Patch will start at 
line 614 not 678.

Michał Margula, alchemyx at uznam.net.pl, http://alchemyx.uznam.net.pl/
"W życiu piękne są tylko chwile" [Ryszard Riedel]

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