[Pacemaker] fence_vmware_soap fence does reboot VM instead of powering it off

Mistina Michal Michal.Mistina at virte.sk
Tue Aug 13 11:27:47 UTC 2013


I am using 2 node cluster. Nodes are virtual machines running on the ESX


-          RHEL 6.3

-          pacemaker-1.1.7-6

-          fence-agents-3.1.5-25.el6_4.2


During test resources are running on the VM tstcaps02. Fencing is done with
fence_vmware_soap agent.

If I plug out VM machine tstcaps01 "network cable" to test fencing the VM
machine tstcaps02 does fencing, but not that I expected. I would like to
setup action off, so VM stays off after fencing. I thought that I did
correct setup of that action. But fencing does action reboot.


What could be wrong in my setup of the CIB and how can I set it up correctly
if there's mistake?

Does somebody know why the fence agent tries to list all VM machines in the
ESX server during fencing as it can be seen in the /var/log/messages?


[root at tstcaps02 ~]# crm configure show

node tstcaps01

node tstcaps02

primitive drbd_pg ocf:linbit:drbd \

        params drbd_resource="postgres" \

        op monitor interval="15" role="Master" \

        op monitor interval="16" role="Slave" \

        op start interval="0" timeout="240" \

        op stop interval="0" timeout="120"

primitive pg_fs ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \

        params device="/dev/vg_local-lv_pgsql/lv_pgsql"
directory="/var/lib/pgsql/9.2/data" options="noatime,nodiratime"
fstype="xfs" \

        op start interval="0" timeout="60" \

        op stop interval="0" timeout="120"

primitive pg_lsb lsb:postgresql-9.2 \

        op monitor interval="30" timeout="60" \

        op start interval="0" timeout="120" \

        op stop interval="0" timeout="120" \

        meta target-role="Started"

primitive pg_lvm ocf:heartbeat:LVM \

        params volgrpname="vg_local-lv_pgsql" \

        op start interval="0" timeout="30" \

        op stop interval="0" timeout="30"

primitive pg_vip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \

        params ip="" iflabel="tstcapsvip" \

        op monitor interval="5"

primitive vm-fence-tstcaps01 stonith:fence_vmware_soap \

        params ipaddr="x.x.x.x" login="administrator" passwd="password"
port="tstcaps01" ssl="1" retry_on="20" shell_timeout="10" login_timeout="10"
action="off" verbose="true"

primitive vm-fence-tstcaps02 stonith:fence_vmware_soap \

        params ipaddr="x.x.x.x" login="administrator" passwd="password"
port="tstcaps02" ssl="1" retry_on="20" shell_timeout="10" login_timeout="10"
action="off" verbose="true"

group PGServer pg_lvm pg_fs pg_lsb pg_vip \

        meta target-role="Started"

ms ms_drbd_pg drbd_pg \

        meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2"
clone-node-max="1" notify="true"

location cli-prefer-PGServer PGServer \

        rule $id="cli-prefer-rule-PGServer" inf: #uname eq tstcaps02

location l-st-tstcaps01 vm-fence-tstcaps01 -inf: tstcaps01

location l-st-tstcaps02 vm-fence-tstcaps02 -inf: tstcaps02

location master-prefer-node1 pg_vip 50: tstcaps01

colocation col_pg_drbd inf: PGServer ms_drbd_pg:Master

order ord_pg inf: ms_drbd_pg:promote PGServer:start

property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \

        dc-version="1.1.7-6.el6-148fccfd5985c5590cc601123c6c16e966b85d14" \

        cluster-infrastructure="openais" \

        expected-quorum-votes="4" \

        stonith-enabled="true" \

        no-quorum-policy="ignore" \

        maintenance-mode="false" \


rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" \



[root at tstcaps02 ~]# stonith_admin -a fence_vmware_soap -M

<resource-agent name="fence_vmware_soap" shortdesc="Fence agent for VMWare
over SOAP API">

  <longdesc>fence_vmware_soap is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with
the virtual machines managed by VMWare products that have SOAP API v4.1+. 


Name of virtual machine (-n / port) has to be used in inventory path format
(e.g. /datacenter/vm/Discovered virtual machine/myMachine). In the cases
when name of yours VM is unique you can use it instead. Alternatively you
can always use UUID (-U / uuid) to access virtual machine.</longdesc>



    <parameter name="action" unique="0" required="1">

      <getopt mixed="-o, --action=<action>"/>

      <content type="string" default="reboot"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">Fencing Action</shortdesc>


    <parameter name="ipaddr" unique="0" required="1">

      <getopt mixed="-a, --ip=<ip>"/>

      <content type="string"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">IP Address or Hostname</shortdesc>


    <parameter name="login" unique="0" required="1">

      <getopt mixed="-l, --username=<name>"/>

      <content type="string"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">Login Name</shortdesc>


    <parameter name="passwd" unique="0" required="0">

      <getopt mixed="-p, --password=<password>"/>

      <content type="string"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>


    <parameter name="passwd_script" unique="0" required="0">

      <getopt mixed="-S, --password-script=<script>"/>

      <content type="string"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">Script to retrieve password</shortdesc>


    <parameter name="ssl" unique="0" required="0">

      <getopt mixed="-z, --ssl"/>

      <content type="boolean"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">SSL connection</shortdesc>


    <parameter name="port" unique="0" required="0">

      <getopt mixed="-n, --plug=<id>"/>

      <content type="string"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number or name of virtual


    <parameter name="uuid" unique="0" required="0">

      <getopt mixed="-U, --uuid"/>

      <content type="string"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">The UUID of the virtual machine to


    <parameter name="ipport" unique="0" required="0">

      <getopt mixed="-u, --ipport=<port>"/>

      <content type="string"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">TCP port to use for connection with


    <parameter name="verbose" unique="0" required="0">

      <getopt mixed="-v, --verbose"/>

      <content type="boolean"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">Verbose mode</shortdesc>


    <parameter name="debug" unique="0" required="0">

      <getopt mixed="-D, --debug-file=<debugfile>"/>

      <content type="string"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">Write debug information to given file</shortdesc>


    <parameter name="version" unique="0" required="0">

      <getopt mixed="-V, --version"/>

      <content type="boolean"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">Display version information and exit</shortdesc>


    <parameter name="help" unique="0" required="0">

      <getopt mixed="-h, --help"/>

      <content type="boolean"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>


    <parameter name="separator" unique="0" required="0">

      <getopt mixed="-C, --separator=<char>"/>

     <content type="string" default=","/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">Separator for CSV created by operation


    <parameter name="power_timeout" unique="0" required="0">

      <getopt mixed="--power-timeout"/>

      <content type="string" default="20"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">Test X seconds for status change after


    <parameter name="shell_timeout" unique="0" required="0">

      <getopt mixed="--shell-timeout"/>

      <content type="string" default="3"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing


    <parameter name="login_timeout" unique="0" required="0">

      <getopt mixed="--login-timeout"/>

      <content type="string" default="5"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after


    <parameter name="power_wait" unique="0" required="0">

      <getopt mixed="--power-wait"/>

      <content type="string" default="0"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF</shortdesc>


    <parameter name="delay" unique="0" required="0">

      <getopt mixed="--delay"/>

      <content type="string" default="0"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">Wait X seconds before fencing is


    <parameter name="retry_on" unique="0" required="0">

      <getopt mixed="--retry-on"/>

      <content type="string" default="1"/>

      <shortdesc lang="en">Count of attempts to retry power on</shortdesc>




    <action name="on"/>

    <action name="off"/>

    <action name="reboot"/>

    <action name="status"/>

    <action name="list"/>

    <action name="monitor"/>

    <action name="metadata"/>

    <action name="stop" timeout="20s"/>

    <action name="start" timeout="20s"/>




[root at tstcaps02 ~]# less /var/log/messages


Aug 13 13:20:40 TSTCAPS02 corosync[1464]:   [TOTEM ] A processor failed,
forming new configuration.

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 cib[1470]:     info: ais_dispatch_message:
Membership 2176: quorum still lost

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 cib[1470]:     info: crm_update_peer: Node
tstcaps01: id=174762176 state=lost (new) addr=r(0) ip(
votes=1 born=2172 seen=2172 proc=00000000000000000000000000111312

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 crmd[1475]:     info: ais_dispatch_message:
Membership 2176: quorum still lost

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 crmd[1475]:     info: ais_status_callback: status:
tstcaps01 is now lost (was member)

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 crmd[1475]:     info: crm_update_peer: Node
tstcaps01: id=174762176 state=lost (new) addr=r(0) ip(
votes=1 born=2172 seen=2172 proc=00000000000000000000000000111312

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 cib[1470]:     info: cib_process_request:
Operation complete: op cib_modify for section nodes (origin=local/crmd/1191,
version=0.528.34): ok (rc=0)

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 crmd[1475]:     info: crmd_ais_dispatch: Setting
expected votes to 4

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 cib[1470]:     info: cib_process_request:
Operation complete: op cib_modify for section crm_config
(origin=local/crmd/1194, version=0.528.36): ok (rc=0)

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 crmd[1475]:  warning: match_down_event: No match
for shutdown action on tstcaps01

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 crmd[1475]:     info: te_update_diff:
Stonith/shutdown of tstcaps01 not matched

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 crmd[1475]:     info: abort_transition_graph:
te_update_diff:234 - Triggered transition abort (complete=1, tag=node_state,
id=tstcaps01, magic=NA, cib=0.528.35) : Node failure

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 crmd[1475]:   notice: do_state_transition: State
transition S_IDLE -> S_POLICY_ENGINE [ input=I_PE_CALC cause=C_FSA_INTERNAL
origin=abort_transition_graph ]

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 corosync[1464]:   [TOTEM ] A processor joined or
left the membership and a new membership was formed.

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: unpack_config: Startup
probes: enabled

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:   notice: unpack_config: On loss of
CCM Quorum: Ignore

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: unpack_config: Node
scores: 'red' = -INFINITY, 'yellow' = 0, 'green' = 0

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: unpack_domains: Unpacking

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: determine_online_status:
Node tstcaps02 is online

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:  warning: pe_fence_node: Node
tstcaps01 will be fenced because it is un-expectedly down

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info:
determine_online_status_fencing: #011ha_state=active, ccm_state=false,
crm_state=online, join_state=member, expected=member

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:  warning: determine_online_status:
Node tstcaps01 is unclean

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: group_print:  Resource
Group: PGServer

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: native_print:
pg_lvm#011(ocf::heartbeat:LVM):#011Started tstcaps02

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: native_print:
pg_fs#011(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):#011Started tstcaps02

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: native_print:
pg_lsb#011(lsb:postgresql-9.2):#011Started tstcaps02

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: native_print:
pg_vip#011(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):#011Started tstcaps02

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: clone_print:
Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_pg [drbd_pg]

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: short_print:
Masters: [ tstcaps02 ]

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: short_print:      Slaves:
[ tstcaps01 ]

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: native_print:
vm-fence-tstcaps01#011(stonith:fence_vmware_soap):#011Started tstcaps02

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: native_print:
vm-fence-tstcaps02#011(stonith:fence_vmware_soap):#011Started tstcaps01

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: native_color: Resource
drbd_pg:0 cannot run anywhere

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 corosync[1464]:   [CPG   ] chosen downlist: sender
r(0) ip( ; members(old:2 left:1)

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: master_color: Promoting
drbd_pg:1 (Master tstcaps02)

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: master_color: ms_drbd_pg:
Promoted 1 instances of a possible 1 to master

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: native_color: Resource
vm-fence-tstcaps02 cannot run anywhere

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 corosync[1464]:   [MAIN  ] Completed service
synchronization, ready to provide service.

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:  warning: custom_action: Action
drbd_pg:0_stop_0 on tstcaps01 is unrunnable (offline)

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:  warning: custom_action: Marking
node tstcaps01 unclean

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:  warning: custom_action: Action
drbd_pg:0_stop_0 on tstcaps01 is unrunnable (offline)

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:  warning: custom_action: Marking
node tstcaps01 unclean

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:  warning: custom_action: Action
vm-fence-tstcaps02_stop_0 on tstcaps01 is unrunnable (offline)

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:  warning: custom_action: Marking
node tstcaps01 unclean

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:  warning: stage6: Scheduling Node
tstcaps01 for STONITH

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: native_stop_constraints:
drbd_pg:0_stop_0 is implicit after tstcaps01 is fenced

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: native_stop_constraints:
Creating secondary notification for drbd_pg:0_stop_0

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: native_stop_constraints:
vm-fence-tstcaps02_stop_0 is implicit after tstcaps01 is fenced

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: LogActions: Leave
pg_lvm#011(Started tstcaps02)

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: LogActions: Leave
pg_fs#011(Started tstcaps02)

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: LogActions: Leave
pg_lsb#011(Started tstcaps02)

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: LogActions: Leave
pg_vip#011(Started tstcaps02)

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:   notice: LogActions: Stop

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: LogActions: Leave
drbd_pg:1#011(Master tstcaps02)

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:     info: LogActions: Leave
vm-fence-tstcaps01#011(Started tstcaps02)

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:   notice: LogActions: Stop

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 rsyslogd-2177: imuxsock begins to drop messages
from pid 1475 due to rate-limiting

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:  warning: process_pe_message:
Transition 200: WARNINGs found during PE processing. PEngine Input stored
in: /var/lib/pengine/pe-warn-58.bz2

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 pengine[1474]:   notice: process_pe_message:
Configuration WARNINGs found during PE processing.  Please run "crm_verify
-L" to identify issues.

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 lrmd: [1472]: info: rsc:drbd_pg:1:503: notify

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:     info:
initiate_remote_stonith_op: Initiating remote operation reboot for
tstcaps01: ba67f838-1461-414a-b309-adbfaff9a029

Aug 13 13:20:41 TSTCAPS02 lrmd: [1472]: info: Managed drbd_pg:1:notify
process 5332 exited with return code 0.

Aug 13 13:20:47 TSTCAPS02 kernel: d-con postgres: PingAck did not arrive in

Aug 13 13:20:47 TSTCAPS02 kernel: d-con postgres: peer( Secondary -> Unknown
) conn( Connected -> NetworkFailure ) pdsk( UpToDate -> DUnknown ) 

Aug 13 13:20:47 TSTCAPS02 kernel: block drbd0: new current UUID

Aug 13 13:20:47 TSTCAPS02 kernel: d-con postgres: asender terminated

Aug 13 13:20:47 TSTCAPS02 kernel: d-con postgres: Terminating

Aug 13 13:20:47 TSTCAPS02 kernel: d-con postgres: Connection closed

Aug 13 13:20:47 TSTCAPS02 kernel: d-con postgres: conn( NetworkFailure ->
Unconnected ) 

Aug 13 13:20:47 TSTCAPS02 kernel: d-con postgres: receiver terminated

Aug 13 13:20:47 TSTCAPS02 kernel: d-con postgres: Restarting receiver thread

Aug 13 13:20:47 TSTCAPS02 kernel: d-con postgres: receiver (re)started

Aug 13 13:20:47 TSTCAPS02 kernel: d-con postgres: conn( Unconnected ->
WFConnection ) 

Aug 13 13:20:47 TSTCAPS02 kernel: d-con postgres: helper command:
/sbin/drbdadm fence-peer postgres

Aug 13 13:20:47 TSTCAPS02 crm-fence-peer.sh[5430]: invoked for postgres

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 cib[1470]:     info: cib:diff: - <cib
admin_epoch="0" epoch="528" num_updates="36" />

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 cib[1470]:     info: cib:diff: + <cib epoch="529"
num_updates="1" admin_epoch="0" validate-with="pacemaker-1.2"
crm_feature_set="3.0.6" update-origin="tstcaps02" update-client="cibadmin"
cib-last-written="Tue Aug 13 13:15:29 2013" have-quorum="0"
dc-uuid="tstcaps02" >

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 cib[1470]:     info: cib:diff: +   <configuration

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 cib[1470]:     info: cib:diff: +     <constraints

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 cib[1470]:     info: cib:diff: +
<rsc_location rsc="ms_drbd_pg"
__crm_diff_marker__="added:top" >

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 cib[1470]:     info: cib:diff: +         <rule
role="Master" score="-INFINITY"
id="drbd-fence-by-handler-postgres-rule-ms_drbd_pg" >

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 cib[1470]:     info: cib:diff: +
<expression attribute="#uname" operation="ne" value="tstcaps02"
id="drbd-fence-by-handler-postgres-expr-ms_drbd_pg" />

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 cib[1470]:     info: cib:diff: +         </rule>

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 cib[1470]:     info: cib:diff: +

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 cib[1470]:     info: cib:diff: +

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 cib[1470]:     info: cib:diff: +

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 cib[1470]:     info: cib:diff: + </cib>

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 rsyslogd-2177: imuxsock lost 82 messages from pid
1475 due to rate-limiting

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 cib[1470]:     info: cib_process_request:
Operation complete: op cib_create for section constraints
(origin=local/cibadmin/2, version=0.529.1): ok (rc=0)

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 crmd[1475]:     info: abort_transition_graph:
te_update_diff:126 - Triggered transition abort (complete=0, tag=diff,
id=(null), magic=NA, cib=0.529.1) : Non-status change

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 crm-fence-peer.sh[5430]: INFO peer is reachable,
my disk is UpToDate: placed constraint

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 kernel: d-con postgres: helper command:
/sbin/drbdadm fence-peer postgres exit code 4 (0x400)

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 kernel: d-con postgres: fence-peer helper returned
4 (peer was fenced)

Aug 13 13:20:48 TSTCAPS02 kernel: d-con postgres: pdsk( DUnknown -> Outdated

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:     info:
can_fence_host_with_device: Refreshing port list for vm-fence-tstcaps01

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (13 21): [107.25],42224003-b614-5eb2-f141-5437fc8319d8

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (13 21): [107.29],4222719f-7bdc-84b2-4494-848a29c2bd5f

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (13 21): [107.27],4222da62-3c55-37f8-f6b8-239657892914

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (0 1): [ MEDI WIN7 32-bit  -

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (13 22): [105.233],42220acd-6e21-4380-9b81-89d86f14317d

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (12 20): [106.28],422235ab-83c4-c0b7-812b-bc5b7019aff7

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (9 17): [106.21],42223377-1443-a44c-1dc0-815c2542898e

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (13 21): [106.15],4222ac70-92c3-bddf-b524-24d848080cb2

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (12 20): [106.29],4222ac1b-41df-2e8f-c2f1-a7fb66e47751

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (0 1): [ MEDI W2K8 R2 SP1 STD - MSDN

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (30 31): ],4222dc65-6752-b1b4-c0f7-38c94cd5609a

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (12 20): [106.52],4222aa80-0fe6-66c4-8d11-fea5f547b566

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (13 21): [106.14],422249fc-a902-ba5c-deb0-e6db6198b984

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (18 25): [106.2],4222851c-1a9d-021a-4e16-9f8adc5bcc42

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (17 26): [105.242],42228b51-4ef6-f9b8-b64a-882d68023074

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (20 29): [105.230],42223dcd-22c1-a0f7-c629-5c4489e2c55d

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (14 23): [105.210],42224816-cdf7-8016-747c-a45b8869d239

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (0 1): [ MEDI - WinXP with SP3 - MSDN

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (31 32): ],4222238c-c927-3af1-f2e7-e0dd374d373b

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (21 30): [105.231],4222308c-41c7-02e9-3b20-c6df71838db9

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (25 28): !!! [105.235],422283ac-c5d9-4bf1-96eb-a57d8d18c118

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (29 38): [105.235],422283ac-c5d9-4bf1-96eb-a57d8d18c118

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (17 26): [105.241],4222a40f-d91a-0e4f-2292-ef92c4836bb5

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (0 1): [ W2K3 R2 ENT 32-bit ENG

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (25 26): ],4233c1c8-e0f9-26f3-b854-6376ec6b1d1c

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (12 20): [106.13],42222137-0d67-ac9b-e3b6-11fb6d2c33e0

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (17 26): [105.243],42222a9a-7440-6d19-b654-42c08a2abd69

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (0 1): [ MEDI W2K8 R2 SP1 ENT - MSDN

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (30 31): ],42227507-c4fd-c5aa-b7d7-4ececd284f84

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (0 1): [ MEDI_gw_chckpnt ],4222f42e-58c6-dc59-2a00-10041ad5ac08

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (18 19): ],4222f42e-58c6-dc59-2a00-10041ad5ac08

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (13 22): [105.234],422295e3-644e-8b51-a373-e7f166b2fd5d

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (0 1): [ MEDI WIN7 64-bit - MSDN

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (26 27): ],4222289e-0bd2-4280-c0f4-548fd42e7eab

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (13 22): [105.232],42228f9d-615f-1c3b-2158-d3ad08d40357

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (9 17): [106.20],422285ba-6a31-0832-1b38-a910031cd057

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (17 26): [105.240],4222b273-68e7-379d-b874-6a47211e9449

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (13 21): [107.28],4222cbc8-565d-eee1-4430-555b059663d0

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (13 22): [105.236],4222115e-789a-66dd-95e9-786ec0d84ec0

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (13 21): [107.26],4222fb16-fadc-9031-8e3d-110225505a0f

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (12 20): [106.12],42226bf9-8e78-9356-773c-ecde31cf2fa2

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:  warning: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (12 20): [106.51],4222ae99-f1d9-9811-d72b-10e875c58f56

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:     info:
can_fence_host_with_device: vm-fence-tstcaps01 can fence tstcaps01:

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:     info: call_remote_stonith:
Requesting that tstcaps02 perform op reboot tstcaps01

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:     info:
can_fence_host_with_device: vm-fence-tstcaps01 can fence tstcaps01:

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:     info: stonith_fence: Found 1
matching devices for 'tstcaps01'

Aug 13 13:20:53 TSTCAPS02 stonith-ng[1471]:     info: stonith_command:
Processed st_fence from tstcaps02: rc=-1


Best regards,

Michal Mistina


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