[Pacemaker] CentOS 6.4 - pacemaker 1.1.8 - heartbeat

Andreas asg at ftpproxy.org
Fri Apr 5 09:00:57 EDT 2013


I am running a few clusters with CentOS 6.3 - heartbeat 3.0.4 - 
pacemaker 1.1.7 fine.

Now I failed to to upgrade to CentOS 6.4 and pacemaker 1.1.8 and getting 
mad about this.
I suspect the problem on pengine, but I can't get closer to it.

# /usr/libexec/pacemaker/pengine -V
     info: qb_ipcs_us_publish:   server name: pengine
    error: qb_ipcs_us_publish:   Could not bind AF_UNIX (): Address 
already in use (98)
     info: qb_ipcs_us_withdraw:  withdrawing server sockets
     info: qb_ipcs_us_withdraw:  withdrawing server sockets
    error: mainloop_add_ipc_server:      Could not start pengine IPC 
server: Address already in use (-98)
    error: main:         Failed to create IPC server: shutting down and 
inhibiting respawn
     info: crm_xml_cleanup:      Cleaning up memory from libxml2

Any help is appreciated!


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