[Pacemaker] Resource switching again and again ...

Jerome BRUSQ jerome.brusq at signalis.com
Thu Apr 4 12:24:45 EDT 2013

Hi all,

I'm starting using Pacemaker and Corosync, and I find it very nice, it's a
very good tool  !


I have create a cluster (2 nodes),  and pacemaker monitors a group of  3
resources :

- a custom service (lsb script), that  starts 2 processes ( 1 application +
1 archiving )

- a gateway (ocf:pacemaker:ping)

- a virtual interface (ocf:heartbeat:IPAddres)


For my custom service I set : 




That is working well, after 3 failures, the group is moving to the other


My problem:


Context : The resources are running on node1. My process (launched by my
custom lsb script)  is archiving on a NAS.


My custom service status is KO  (archiving process is KO because the NAS is
full for example), pacemaker tries to restart 3 times my service .. and
finally move the group on node2. -> normal behavior


Unfortunately, node2 uses the same NAS. So, pacemaker tries to restart 3
times my service and move back to node 1. 

Etc etc .


Questions :

-          Is there a way to prevent switching back again and again  ( in my
example, even if archiving processes are KO, application process is OK, so I
would like application process still being up).

The behavior I am looking for is  : after moving resources to node 2 , do
not authorize any migration for the next  hour (even if node 2 has a
failure)  .


Thanks for your help








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