[Pacemaker] correct way to deploy a CLVM configuration with pacemaker

Alberto Menichetti albmenichetti at tai.it
Fri Sep 14 10:41:55 EDT 2012

Hi all,

I'm trying to deploy a CLVM configuration; my VGs will be active on only 
1 node at time and I won't use a clustered fs but ext3.

I configured clvmd and dlm in this way:

primitive cluster-dlm ocf:pacemaker:controld op monitor interval="60" \ 
timeout="60" meta is-managed="true"

primitive cluster-lvm ocf:lvm2:clvmd params daemon_timeout="30" \
meta is-managed="true"

group cluster-base cluster-dlm cluster-lvm meta is-managed="true"

clone cluster-infra cluster-base meta \
interleave="true" is-managed="true"

Suppose now that I want to configure a resource to manage my VG, 
something like this:

primitive wfq-lv-rs ocf:heartbeat:LVM params \
volgrpname="WFQ_vg" exclusive="yes" op start interval="0" \
op monitor interval="120s" timeout="60s" op stop \
interval="0" timeout="30s" meta is-managed="true"

I think that my LVM resource should be someway dependant from 
cluster-infra; in my opinion the following "dependencies" should be honored:

1. the resource who manage the VG, wfq-lv-rs, must be started only after 
the resource who manage the CLVM

2. because the resource who manage the CLVM is inside a clone resource 
and will be started in all nodes, the wfq-lv-rs must be started only in 
a node who has the clone resource containing the CLVM resource online.

If the above assumptions are correct, how is it possible to manage this 
in pacemaker?

Thank you,

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