[Pacemaker] Clustering of Two virtual machines hosted on different physical servers

ecfgijn pradeep.a.kumar at ericsson.com
Wed Sep 5 05:06:41 UTC 2012

Hi All ,

I am trying to configure clustering of two virtual machines( Centos-6.2 
,KVM hypervisor). Both the machines are running on different VLAN's i.e 
both machines have different gateway.

My  doubt : Is it necessary that both the VM's should be on the same 
VLAN and should have same gateway ? to configure clustering. If it is 
not , then what changes need to be done on VMs so that we can do the 

when i run the below command on both VMs , then i get output

[root at node1 ~]# corosync-cfgtool -s
Printing ring status.
Local node ID 16777343
  id    =
status    = ring 0 active with no faults

As per the the documentation , i should get static ip address instead of 
the localhost address , same is happening on both VMs , Can you guys 
suggests what can be done so that my both nodes join the cluster.

Pradeep Kumar

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