[Pacemaker] xen-cluster with ocfs2

Waldemar Brodkorb mail at waldemar-brodkorb.de
Wed Sep 12 12:01:25 EDT 2012


I'm doing some research on Xen-Clusters with Pacemaker and OCFS2. 
My playground is just a Mac book with Virtualbox and two Debian/unstable virtual machines.
I followed this guide here: http://publications.jbfavre.org/virtualisation/cluster-xen-corosync-pacemaker-drbd-ocfs2.en
After some OCFS2 problems, I changed my setup to use Pacemaker OCFS2 integration.

The Xen cluster comes up and works.
Last updated: Wed Sep 12 17:31:35 2012
Last change: Wed Sep 12 17:26:21 2012
Stack: openais
Current DC: xen02 - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff
2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
11 Resources configured.

Online: [ xen01 xen02 ]

 Master/Slave Set: Cluster-FS-DRBD-Master [Cluster-FS-DRBD]
     Masters: [ xen01 xen02 ]
 Clone Set: Cluster-FS-Mount-Clone [Cluster-FS-Mount]
     Started: [ xen01 xen02 ]
 Master/Slave Set: xvm-01-MS [xvm-01-DRBD]
     Masters: [ xen01 xen02 ]
 xvm-01	(ocf::heartbeat:Xen):	Started xen01
 Clone Set: cl_ocfs2mgmt [g_ocfs2mgmt]
     Started: [ xen01 xen02 ]

No stonith is configured. I have found some messages about issues with OCFS2 and no fencing:

Is there no way to handle a power outage of xen01 (virtual box poweroff button), when stonith is disabled?
Actually xvm-01 resource can not be started on xen02, because /cluster is not accessible on xen02. 
(ls -la /cluster is hanging endlessly, it works when I power on xen01 again)

thanks for any advice in advance

cib.xml on xen02 after xen01 is killed:


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