No subject

Tue Oct 23 06:10:09 UTC 2012

job ?


On 18 October 2012 08:40, David Morton <davidmorton78 at> wrote:

> We're changing our SAN shortly and I'm putting together the procedure /
> config now for the shared storage. This will be based on XFS on top of
> clustered LVM2 via Pacemaker.
> I've implemented the exclusive=yes directive on the LVM resources (volume
> groups) but I am still able to mount on both cluster nodes (2 node cluster)
> in my testing environment. I would have thought that this directive would
> prevent multiple mounting / VG activation given that even when there are no
> cluster comms (this is how i create the split brain, and reboot both nodes)
> the storage is available to both nodes ?
> What is the recommended way of guaranteeing storage exclusiveness in this
> (albeit unlikely) situation where both nodes think they are running by
> themselves ? I've looked at sdb and sfex but have previously been steered
> away from them.
> Dave
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Nobody have any words of wisdom gained from years of=A0experience=A0? I&#39=
;m looking at sfex resources configured on a small logical volume in the sa=
me volume group as the main data set at present.<div><br></div><div>From th=
e documentation it reads as this is the correct mechanism for the job ?</di=
<div><br></div><div>Dave<br><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote">On 18 October 20=
12 08:40, David Morton <span dir=3D"ltr">&lt;<a href=3D"mailto:davidmorton7=
8 at" target=3D"_blank">davidmorton78 at</a>&gt;</span> wrote=
<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1p=
x #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">We&#39;re changing our SAN shortly and I&#39=
;m putting together the procedure / config now for the shared storage. This=
 will be based on XFS on top of clustered LVM2 via Pacemaker.<div>
<br></div><div>I&#39;ve implemented the exclusive=3Dyes directive on the LV=
M resources (volume groups) but I am still able to mount on both cluster no=
des (2 node cluster) in my testing environment. I would have thought that t=
his directive would prevent multiple mounting / VG activation given that ev=
en when there are no cluster comms (this is how i create the split brain, a=
nd reboot both nodes) the storage is available to both nodes ?</div>

<div><br></div><div>What is the recommended way of=A0guaranteeing=A0storage=
 exclusiveness in this (albeit unlikely) situation where both nodes think t=
hey are running by themselves ? I&#39;ve looked at sdb and sfex but have pr=
eviously been steered away from them.</div>

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