[Pacemaker] [Linux-HA] Apache-Pacemaker Configuration Error?

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Fri Nov 9 02:24:39 UTC 2012

On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 1:20 PM, Andrew Beekhof <andrew at beekhof.net> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 3:33 AM, Viviana Cuellar Rivera
> <marnaglaya at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to mount the following settings:
>> vip----Balancer1----|------|   Backend Nodes
>>                                  |   Backend Nodes
>> vip2---balancer2----|------|   Backend Nodes
>> For that I have installed apache on the balancers nodes, so, my apache
>> acts as balancer, for it has enabled mod_proxy modules, mod and mod
>> proxy_http proxy_balancer
>> The idea is to have two floating IP and publish each one of the two
>> (Balancer 1 = vip and  Balancer2 = vip2, resulting in an active-active
>> configuration), what I need is that pacemaker makes the publication of
>> the ip and checking the status of apache on both balancer servers, and
>> in case of a fall migrate the ip to the node that is still running, so
>> I did the following settings:
>> node balancer1
>> node balancer2
>> primitive apache-ref ocf:heartbeat:apache \
>> params configfile="/etc/apache2/httpd.conf" \
>> op monitor interval="20s"
>> primitive vip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
>> params ip="" cidr_netmask="" \
>> op monitor interval="20s" \
>> meta target-role="Started"
>> primitive vip2 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
>> params ip="" cidr_netmask="" \
>> op monitor interval="20s" \
>> meta target-role="Started"
>> clone cl-apache apache-ref \
>> meta clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1" target-role="Started"
>> location vip2_pref_1 vip2 100: balancer2
>> location vip2_pref_2 vip2 50: balancer1
>> location vip_pref_1 vip 100: balancer1
>> location vip_pref_2 vip 50: balancer2
>> colocation apache-with-failover inf: vip vip2 cl-apache
>> order apache-after-failover-ip inf: ( vip vip2 ) cl-apache
>> property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
>> dc-version="1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff" \
>> cluster-infrastructure="openais" \
>> expected-quorum-votes="2" \
>> stonith-enabled="false" \
>> no-quorum-policy="ignore"
>> rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" \
>> resource-stickiness="0"
>> But to make a crm status shows:
>> root at balancer1:~# crm status
>> ============
>> Last updated: Sat Nov  3 12:13:29 2012
>> Last change: Sat Nov  3 12:03:19 2012 via cibadmin on balancer2
>> Stack: openais
>> Current DC: balancer1 - partition with quorum
>> Version: 1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff
>> 2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
>> 4 Resources configured.
>> ============
>> Online: [ balancer1 balancer2 ]
>>  vip    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started balancer1
>>  vip2   (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started balancer1
>>  Clone Set: cl-apache [apache-ref]
>>      Started: [ balancer1 ]
>>      Stopped: [ apache-ref:1 ]
> Both of the VIPs are on balancer1, and because you have said:

Urgh. Ignore the line above.  I forgot to remove it before sending.

> Essentially this is your problem:
> colocation apache-with-failover inf: vip vip2 cl-apache
> It is causing both VIPs to be placed on balancer1, and preventing
> apache from running on any node where there is no VIP (ie. balancer2).
> You probably want this instead:
> colocation vip-with-apache inf: vip cl-apache
> colocation vip2-with-apache inf: vip2 cl-apache
> Hope that helps.
>> First try to start apache in the balancer 2
>> / etc/init.d/apache2 restart
>> And when you got a status:
>> / etc/init.d/apache2 status
>> Apache2 is running (pid 14143).
>> But for some reason when i'm doing crm status the problem persists, so
>> I decided restart corosync, then to do on both nodes was obtained:
>> ============
>> Last updated: Sat Nov  3 12:43:35 2012
>> Last change: Sat Nov  3 12:43:29 2012 via cibadmin on balancer1
>> Stack: openais
>> Current DC: balancer1 - partition with quorum
>> Version: 1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff
>> 2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
>> 4 Resources configured.
>> ============
>> Online: [ balancer1 balancer2 ]
>>  vip    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started balancer2
>>  vip2   (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started balancer2
>> Failed actions:
>>     apache-ref:0_start_0 (node=balancer1, call=10, rc=-2, status=Timed
>> Out): unknown exec error
>>     apache-ref:0_start_0 (node=balancer2, call=10, rc=-2, status=Timed
>> Out): unknown exec error
>> As I thought I was doing wrong and was using the class wrong (sorry
>> but I do not know how you call ocf:heartbeat), I changed the apache,
>> and my configuration was:
>> node balancer1
>> node balancer2
>> primitive apache-ref lsb:apache2
>> primitive vip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
>>         params ip="" cidr_netmask="" \
>>         op monitor interval="20s"
>> primitive vip2 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
>>         params ip="" cidr_netmask="" \
>>         op monitor interval="20s"
>> clone cl-apache apache-ref \
>>         meta clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1" target-role="Started"
>> location vip2_pref_1 vip2 100: balancer2
>> location vip2_pref_2 vip2 50: balancer1
>> location vip_pref_1 vip 100: balancer1
>> location vip_pref_2 vip 50: balancer2
>> colocation apache-with-failover inf: vip vip2 cl-apache
>> order apache-after-failover-ip inf: ( vip vip2 ) cl-apache
>> property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
>>         dc-version="1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff" \
>>         cluster-infrastructure="openais" \
>>         expected-quorum-votes="2" \
>>         stonith-enabled="false" \
>>         no-quorum-policy="ignore"
>> rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" \
>>         resource-stickiness="0"
>> I'm restart the corosync on both nodes, as the above error persisted,
>> but to make new leaves crm status.
>> root at balancer1:~# crm status
>> ============
>> Last updated: Sat Nov  3 12:13:29 2012
>> Last change: Sat Nov  3 12:03:19 2012 via cibadmin on balancer2
>> Stack: openais
>> Current DC: balancer1 - partition with quorum
>> Version: 1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff
>> 2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
>> 4 Resources configured.
>> ============
>> Online: [ balancer1 balancer2 ]
>>  vip    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started balancer1
>>  vip2   (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started balancer1
>>  Clone Set: cl-apache [apache-ref]
>>      Started: [ balancer1 ]
>>      Stopped: [ apache-ref:1 ]
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> Note: I'm need to know how to do, so when the balancer 2 assumes the
>> virtual ip 1 (vip) will run a sript.
>> (Nota: Ademas quiero saber como hacer, para que cuando el balanceador
>> 2 asuma la ip virtual 1 (vip) se corra un sript)
>> I apologize for my English ;)
>> Thanks!
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