[Pacemaker] Where is the Pacemaker Documentation

Art Zemon art at hens-teeth.net
Fri Nov 23 01:36:21 UTC 2012

I see lots of pacemaker "how to" guides and lots of examples but is there a wiki or something that lists all of the options for various things? For instance, I have
ms ms_drbd_share p_drbd_share \
        meta master-max="2" notify="true" interleave="true" clone-max="2"

Where is there some documentation on master-max, notify, interleave, clone-max, and any other meta values for ms?

    -- Art Z.

Art Zemon, President
 [http://www.hens-teeth.net/] Hen's Teeth Network for reliable web hosting and programming
 (866)HENS-NET / (636)447-3030 ext. 200 / www.hens-teeth.net

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