[Pacemaker] [corosync] Corosync 2.1.0 dies on both nodes in cluster

Andrew Martin amartin at xes-inc.com
Thu Nov 1 12:40:21 UTC 2012

Corosync died an additional 3 times during the night on storage1. I wrote a daemon to attempt and start it as soon as it fails, so only one of those times resulted in a STONITH of storage1. 

I enabled debug in the corosync config, so I was able to capture a period when corosync died with debug output: 
In this example, Pacemaker finishes shutting down by Nov 01 05:53:02. For reference, here is my Pacemaker configuration: 

It seems that an extra node, 16777343 "localhost" has been added to the cluster after storage1 was STONTIHed (must be the localhost interface on storage1). Is there anyway to prevent this? 

Does this help to determine why corosync is dying, and what I can do to fix it? 



----- Original Message -----

From: "Andrew Martin" <amartin at xes-inc.com> 
To: discuss at corosync.org 
Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 12:11:35 AM 
Subject: [corosync] Corosync 2.1.0 dies on both nodes in cluster 


I recently configured a 3-node fileserver cluster by building Corosync 2.1.0 and Pacemaker 1.1.8 from source. All of the nodes are running Ubuntu 12.04 amd64. Two of the nodes (storage0 and storage1) are "real" nodes where the resources run (a DRBD disk, filesystem mount, and samba/nfs daemons), while the third node (storagequorum) is in standby mode and acts as a quorum node for the cluster. Today I discovered that corosync died on both storage0 and storage1 at the same time. Since corosync died, pacemaker shut down as well on both nodes. Because the cluster no longer had quorum (and the no-quorum-policy="freeze"), storagequorum was unable to STONITH either node and just left the resources frozen where they were running, on storage0. I cannot find any log information to determine why corosync crashed, and this is a disturbing problem as the cluster and its messaging layer must be stable. Below is my corosync configuration file as well as the corosync log file from each node during this period. 

Note that I have two redundant rings. On one of them, I specify the IP address (in this example so that it binds to the correct interface (since potentially in the future those machines may have two interfaces on the same subnet). 

corosync.log from storage0: 

corosync.log from storage1: 

corosync.log from storagequorum (the DC during this period): 

Issuing service corosync start && service pacemaker start on storage0 and storage1 resolved the problem and allowed the nodes to successfully reconnect to the cluster. What other information can I provide to help diagnose this problem and prevent it from recurring? 


Andrew Martin 

discuss mailing list 
discuss at corosync.org 

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