[Pacemaker] Nodes unable to connect / find each other

mark - pacemaker list m+pacemaker at nerdish.us
Wed Mar 14 19:22:24 UTC 2012


On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Regendoerp, Achim <
Achim.Regendoerp at galacoral.com> wrote:

>  Hi,****
> ** **
> Below is a cut out from the tcpdump run on both boxes. The tcpdump is the
> same on both boxes.****
> The traffic only appears if I set the bindnetaddr in
> /etc/corosync/corosync.conf to the machines’ individual IP instead of to
> (as advised by howtos).****
> Having the latter IP as bindnetaddr, there’s no traffic at all.****
> ** **
I initially had some communication issues like these, then I realized I'd
forgotten to set up my switch/vlan to handle multicast.  Oops.  With that
fixed, everything came up and has worked wonderfully since.

Something to check, anyhow.

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