[Pacemaker] DRBD M/S Promotion

Florian Haas florian at hastexo.com
Sat Mar 10 10:06:06 UTC 2012

On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 11:24 PM, Scott Piazza
<scott.piazza at bespokess.com> wrote:
> I have a two-node active/passive pacemaker cluster running with a single
> DRBD resource set up as master-slave.  Today, we restarted both servers
> in the cluster, and when they came back up, both started pacemaker and
> corosync correctly, but the DRBD resource didn't promote.  I manually
> promoted the DRBD resource and all of the child services were able to
> start up without issue.  There were no error counts showing in
> crm_mon.
> The only error I noted in the /var/log/messages log referenced not being
> able to mount /dev/drbd0 because the device wasn't present.
> CIB is available at http://pastebin.com/4b6Fi87w.
> I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with my configuration.

This, most probably:

location cli-prefer-ms_drbd_exports ms_drbd_exports \
        rule $id="cli-prefer-rule-ms_drbd_exports" inf: #uname eq
location cli-prefer-pawhsrv pawhsrv \
        rule $id="cli-prefer-rule-pawhsrv" inf: #uname eq

Remove those. The first is completely wrong, the second is likely a
leftover from when you did "crm resource migrate pawhsrv
pawhsrv01.libertydistribution.com" and forgot to clear the constraints
when you were done.

Hope this helps.


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