[Pacemaker] How to stop a resource?

Tim Ward Tim.Ward at ipaccess.com
Thu Mar 15 11:50:54 UTC 2012

The description of resource agents at


includes "They are synchronous in nature. That is, you start them, and they complete some time later, and you are expected to wait for them to complete."

I am assured by team members that we have verified that our RAs are actually synchronous, ie that when the RA returns from a stop command, in particular, the resource is actually stopped, and an immediately subsequent monitor will say so.

However when the application tries to close down a bunch of things by running the following through the crm command (which is how I was advised by this list to drive Pacemaker programmatically) I get errors suggesting that things haven't stopped immediately. This suggests that Pacemaker is not actually obeying the "you are expected to wait" quoted above.

Here is the crm command input:

   delete colocation_b_with_a
   stop b
   delete b
   delete colocation_x_with_a
   stop a
   delete a

(colocation_b_with_a says that b must always live on the same box as a colocation_x_with_a says that x and a must never be on the same box)

The return code from the crm command is CibOk. The standard output is empty. The error output contains:

WARNING: 9: resource b is running, can't delete it
INFO: 10: apparently there is nothing to commit
INFO: 10: try changing something first
WARNING: 20: resource a is running, can't delete it
INFO: 21: apparently there is nothing to commit
INFO: 21: try changing something first

On looking at what happened a minute or so later using crm_mon or crm status the two resources that I was trying to stop have in fact stopped by then.

So, does anyone have any ideas as to what is going on here, and/or how to actually stop and then delete something? - thanks!

Tim Ward
Brett Ward Limited - www.brettward.co.uk 

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