[Pacemaker] Cannot start VirtualDomain resource after restart

Kadlecsik József kadlecsik.jozsef at wigner.mta.hu
Wed Jun 20 17:33:59 UTC 2012

On Wed, 20 Jun 2012, Kadlecsik József wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Jun 2012, Phil Frost wrote:
> > Firstly, I'd try running "crm_simulate -LS -D pacemaker.dot", then viewing
> > the generated pacemaker.dot with graphviz [1] (specifically "dot". It might
> > also be helpful to pass pacemaker.dot through "tred" first, to make it more
> > readable). This asks crm_simulate to simulate what pacemaker would like to do
> > (-S), given the current live state (-L). Probably it will tell you it would
> > do nothing, because it's already running in the desired (by pacemaker,
> > anyway) state. However, I have seen instances in testing where Pacemaker will
> > be stuck in some start -> monitor -> timeout loop that's not immediately
> > obvious in crm_mon. This will reveal that.
> I have tried it (attached the resulted .dot file). Looking at the graph, I 
> couldn't really spot why lx0 isn't started. :-(
> I have also tried to add explicit "utilization memory="0"" settings to the 
> stonith resources assuming the utilization prevented starting the 
> resource. It did not help, of course.

Ha! It *was* the utilization. In spite of having only one capacity and 
plenty of free resources of this kind, pacemaker silently refused to start 
the resource. After disabling placement strategy

# crm_attribute --attr-name placement-strategy --attr-value default

the virtual host started immediately.

Best regards,
E-mail : kadlecsik.jozsef at wigner.mta.hu
PGP key: http://www.kfki.hu/~kadlec/pgp_public_key.txt
Address: Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
         H-1525 Budapest 114, POB. 49, Hungary

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