[Pacemaker] Some errors after upgrading from heartbeat 2.1 cluster

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Sun Jul 29 23:35:55 UTC 2012

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 11:59 PM, Drew Morone <andrewmorone at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I replaced "target_role" with "target-role", but I get the same error
> regarding "target-role" (eg. ERROR: DRBD_data: attribute target_role does
> not exist).

You have it defined twice.
The error is complaining about this line:

    <nvpair id="nvpair.id178988" name="target_role" value="started"/>

just remove it.  The following line is the one you want to leave in:

    <nvpair id="nvpair.meta.auto-19" name="target_role" value="started"/>

> I also tried removing that attribute, but it seems to break my config.
> Should I post the whole XML? I don't want to spam the list if it's not
> necessary.

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