[Pacemaker] node offline after fencing (pacemakerd hangs)

Michael Schwartzkopff misch at clusterbau.com
Tue Jul 17 13:32:30 UTC 2012

> hi,
> i have setup a very basic 2-node cluster on RHEL 6.3
> first thing i tried was to setup stonith/fencing_ipmilan
> resource.
> fencing seems to work,  if i kill corosync on one node
> it is restarted (ipmi reboot) by the other node.
> but after restart the cluster doesn't come back to normal
> operation,   i looks like the pacemakerd hangs and the
> node status is offline.
> i found only one way to fix the problem:
> killall -9 pacemakerd
> service pacemakerd start
> after that both nodes are online.  below you can see my
> cluster configuration and the corosync.log messages which
> repeat forever when pacemakerd hangs.
> i am new to pacemaker and followed the "Clusters from Scratch"
> guide for the first setup.   information about fence_ipmilan
> is from google :-)
> can u give me tips ?? what is wrong with this basic cluster
> config.  i don't want to add more resources (kvm virtual
> machines) until fencing is configured correctly.
> thx
> ulrich

Do you start corosync and pacemaker from init?
do corosync and pacmaker run after a system boot?

Dr. Michael Schwartzkopff
Guardinistr. 63
81375 München

Tel: (0163) 172 50 98
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