[Pacemaker] mysql resource agent

DENNY, MICHAEL md2610 at att.com
Wed Jul 18 13:24:58 UTC 2012

Our current monitor action tests the availability of the mysql database.  However, the monitor fails if mysql is doing recovery processing.   And the recovery processing can take a long time.   Do you know if there is  a way to programmatically determine if mysql is in recovery mode (and is processing the log entries)?  or some existing utility prog that can report that mysql is started but in recovery mode?  I want to update the monitor action to succeed if in recovery mode.

- We using mysql on Ubuntu servers using heartbeat/pacemaker in an Active/Passive redundant pair configuration.
- When simulating failover, we have observed that the start action on the new server will succeed, exit almost immediately, although mysql has actually begun recovery processing and subsequent "service mysql status" reports that it is not available for use.
- Our current monitor action fails if mysql is not available for use.

Thanks for the help,


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