[Pacemaker] IP Range Failover with IPaddr2 and clone / globally-unique="true"

Anton Melser melser.anton at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 20:40:23 UTC 2012

On 24 January 2012 16:28, Dejan Muhamedagic <dejanmm at fastmail.fm> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 08:25:32PM +0000, Reid, Mike wrote:
>> Dejan,
>> Regarding the stability: In my two node cluster testing, unfortunately
>> multiple times (on each node) when managing multiple IP Ranges via
>> unique_clone_address, more than one of the IPs failed to create. The
>> default monitor settings were still in effect, but the IP was never
>> created until a manual "crm resource cleanup" was performed.
> What does "monitor setting" have to do with creating IP
> addresses?
>> When compared
>> to handling multiple IPs using individual IPaddr2 primitives, I've not had
>> that issue.
> Well, I assume that can be fixed. Computers are good at
> automating things, right? :) Do you see anything in the logs? Did
> you try to use ocf_tester to see if it passes the test? If not,
> you can post the messages it prints to the terminal.
>> Tuomo Soini (IPaddr2 Author) told me this morning: "you try to create
>> multiple ip's with IPaddr2 ??? I had no idea it could do something like
>> that, and I _did_ write IPaddr2. I'm quite sure what you try to do is not
>> very well tested feature if possible."
> I think that the feature was implemented several years ago by
> Andrew. Resource agents get extended from time to time and the
> original authors are not always involved (unfortunately).
>> The "not very well tested" line implies to me that this feature is still
>> "experimental", especially considering the multiple "FAILED" IP starts I
>> was receiving. No worries, however, I am very happy with IPaddr2 as a VIP
>> solution, I was just hoping I could take advantage of the simplified
>> configuration (much easier on the eyes) ;)
> Indeed, and that's important too.

Hey, this looks like *exactly* what I want to do - if anyone can give
me an example to get started with I'm all up for being a guinea pig. I
just can't seem to find examples of this, although that doesn't seem
that unlikely given the comments here! I just can't see how this gets
done from the docs...
I would love to help testing this out (I have 3x /23 and a /25 I want
to cluster, and there may be more later) and am prepared to help get
this functionality production ready (I want it on production servers
so it'd better be ready :-)).
So please fire away with examples!

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